
Request 316839 superseded

New unstable.

We have br fdupes, but not the macro.
I tried to add it, but I ended up with the same

[ 369s] gnote.x86_64: W: files-duplicate /usr/share/help/C/gnote/figures/gnote-pinup.png /usr/share/gnote/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/pin-up.png
[ 369s] gnote.x86_64: W: files-duplicate /usr/share/help/C/gnote/figures/logo32.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/gnote.png
[ 369s] gnote.x86_64: W: files-duplicate /usr/share/help/C/gnote/figures/gnote-pindown.png /usr/share/gnote/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/pin-down.png

no matter how I set the path..? It's probably to late at night that I can spot the error I made (I dropped the macro again in this sr)

Request History
Bjørn Lie's avatar

Zaitor created request

New unstable.

We have br fdupes, but not the macro.
I tried to add it, but I ended up with the same

[ 369s] gnote.x86_64: W: files-duplicate /usr/share/help/C/gnote/figures/gnote-pinup.png /usr/share/gnote/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/pin-up.png
[ 369s] gnote.x86_64: W: files-duplicate /usr/share/help/C/gnote/figures/logo32.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/gnote.png
[ 369s] gnote.x86_64: W: files-duplicate /usr/share/help/C/gnote/figures/gnote-pindown.png /usr/share/gnote/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/pin-down.png

no matter how I set the path..? It's probably to late at night that I can spot the error I made (I dropped the macro again in this sr)

Bjørn Lie's avatar

Zaitor superseded request

superseded by 316840

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