
Request 329654 accepted

- Backport patches from upstream:
- BUG/MINOR: http: remove stupid HTTP_METH_NONE entry
- BUG/MAJOR: http: don't call http_send_name_header() after an error
- Add 0014-BUG-MINOR-http-remove-stupid-HTTP_METH_NONE-entry.patch
- Add 0015-BUG-MAJOR-http-don-t-call-http_send_name_header-afte.patch

- Backport patches from upstream:
- BUG/MINOR: log: missing some ARGC_* entries in fmt_directives()
- DOC: usesrc root privileges requirements
- BUILD: ssl: Allow building against libssl without SSLv3.
- DOC/MINOR: fix OpenBSD versions where haproxy works
- BUG/MINOR: http/sample: gmtime/localtime can fail
- DOC: typo in 'redirect', 302 code meaning
- DOC: mention that %ms is left-padded with zeroes.
- CLEANUP: .gitignore: ignore more test files
- CLEANUP: .gitignore: finally ignore everything but what is known.
- MEDIUM: config: emit a warning on a frontend without listener
- BUG/MEDIUM: counters: ensure that src_{inc,clr}_gpc0 creates a missing entry
- DOC: ssl: missing LF
- DOC: fix example of http-request using ssl_fc_session_id
- Add 0001-BUG-MINOR-log-missing-some-ARGC_-entries-in-fmt_dire.patch
- Add 0002-DOC-usesrc-root-privileges-requirements.patch
- Add 0003-BUILD-ssl-Allow-building-against-libssl-without-SSLv.patch
- Add 0004-DOC-MINOR-fix-OpenBSD-versions-where-haproxy-works.patch
- Add 0005-BUG-MINOR-http-sample-gmtime-localtime-can-fail.patch
- Add 0006-DOC-typo-in-redirect-302-code-meaning.patch
- Add 0007-DOC-mention-that-ms-is-left-padded-with-zeroes.patch
- Add 0008-CLEANUP-.gitignore-ignore-more-test-files.patch
- Add 0009-CLEANUP-.gitignore-finally-ignore-everything-but-wha.patch
- Add 0010-MEDIUM-config-emit-a-warning-on-a-frontend-without-l.patch (forwarded request 329653 from KGronlund)

Request History
Kristoffer Gronlund's avatar

KGronlund created request

- Backport patches from upstream:
- BUG/MINOR: http: remove stupid HTTP_METH_NONE entry
- BUG/MAJOR: http: don't call http_send_name_header() after an error
- Add 0014-BUG-MINOR-http-remove-stupid-HTTP_METH_NONE-entry.patch
- Add 0015-BUG-MAJOR-http-don-t-call-http_send_name_header-afte.patch

- Backport patches from upstream:
- BUG/MINOR: log: missing some ARGC_* entries in fmt_directives()
- DOC: usesrc root privileges requirements
- BUILD: ssl: Allow building against libssl without SSLv3.
- DOC/MINOR: fix OpenBSD versions where haproxy works
- BUG/MINOR: http/sample: gmtime/localtime can fail
- DOC: typo in 'redirect', 302 code meaning
- DOC: mention that %ms is left-padded with zeroes.
- CLEANUP: .gitignore: ignore more test files
- CLEANUP: .gitignore: finally ignore everything but what is known.
- MEDIUM: config: emit a warning on a frontend without listener
- BUG/MEDIUM: counters: ensure that src_{inc,clr}_gpc0 creates a missing entry
- DOC: ssl: missing LF
- DOC: fix example of http-request using ssl_fc_session_id
- Add 0001-BUG-MINOR-log-missing-some-ARGC_-entries-in-fmt_dire.patch
- Add 0002-DOC-usesrc-root-privileges-requirements.patch
- Add 0003-BUILD-ssl-Allow-building-against-libssl-without-SSLv.patch
- Add 0004-DOC-MINOR-fix-OpenBSD-versions-where-haproxy-works.patch
- Add 0005-BUG-MINOR-http-sample-gmtime-localtime-can-fail.patch
- Add 0006-DOC-typo-in-redirect-302-code-meaning.patch
- Add 0007-DOC-mention-that-ms-is-left-padded-with-zeroes.patch
- Add 0008-CLEANUP-.gitignore-ignore-more-test-files.patch
- Add 0009-CLEANUP-.gitignore-finally-ignore-everything-but-wha.patch
- Add 0010-MEDIUM-config-emit-a-warning-on-a-frontend-without-l.patch (forwarded request 329653 from KGronlund)

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