
Request 32966 accepted

- v4.17
- update documentation
- moved lvmgroup attribute into the lvmvolumes section
- fixed xen building with empty or no type=xen packages
- don't remove libidn it's required for curl based downloads
- changed migration to use root path directly and don't mount
the root device before. As we can't mount it read-only because
it's already mounted read-write I decided to prevent the mount
at all and exclude any remote mounted location by searching
through /proc/mounts
- don't remove ldap and sasl in oemboot it's required for
curl based downloads
- added support for additional kernel commandline options
specified as kernelcmdline attribute (bnc #577720)
- fix arch condition handling for meta package handling in
instsource medias
- removed commandline from pxedeploy section. kernel
commandline parameters are set by the kernelcmdline
attribute now (bnc #577720). Update schema version to 4.4
and add an XSLT to remove commandline when required

Request History
Marcus Schaefer's avatar

sax2 created request

- v4.17
- update documentation
- moved lvmgroup attribute into the lvmvolumes section
- fixed xen building with empty or no type=xen packages
- don't remove libidn it's required for curl based downloads
- changed migration to use root path directly and don't mount
the root device before. As we can't mount it read-only because
it's already mounted read-write I decided to prevent the mount
at all and exclude any remote mounted location by searching
through /proc/mounts
- don't remove ldap and sasl in oemboot it's required for
curl based downloads
- added support for additional kernel commandline options
specified as kernelcmdline attribute (bnc #577720)
- fix arch condition handling for meta package handling in
instsource medias
- removed commandline from pxedeploy section. kernel
commandline parameters are set by the kernelcmdline
attribute now (bnc #577720). Update schema version to 4.4
and add an XSLT to remove commandline when required

autobuild's avatar

autobuild accepted request

checked in

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