
Request 331819 accepted

- version 0.6.24
- auto4: initial autoip and dhcp4 fallback fix (bsc#899985)
- ethtool: update to the most recent ethtool.h, fixed
advertised mode and flags (bsc#927309)
- dhcp4: verify received client-id, accept hex encoded id
- ovs: fixes for ovs bridge handling
- make: fixed to add linux header copies as noinst

Request History
Pawel Wieczorkiewicz's avatar

pwieczorkiewicz created request

- version 0.6.24
- auto4: initial autoip and dhcp4 fallback fix (bsc#899985)
- ethtool: update to the most recent ethtool.h, fixed
advertised mode and flags (bsc#927309)
- dhcp4: verify received client-id, accept hex encoded id
- ovs: fixes for ovs bridge handling
- make: fixed to add linux header copies as noinst

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added factory-repo-checker as a reviewer

Please review build success

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

Factory Repo Checker's avatar

factory-repo-checker accepted review

Builds for repo network:wicked:factory/openSUSE_Tumbleweed

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo set openSUSE:Factory:Staging:J as a staging project

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:J"

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coolo accepted review

Picked openSUSE:Factory:Staging:J

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coolo accepted review

ready to accept

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coolo approved review

ready to accept

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted request

Accept to openSUSE:Factory

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