
Request 345048 superseded

- Don't build and use included library sources for freetype jpeg libpng
tiff zlib
- remove-zlib-h-dependency.patch: Remove dependency on zlib/zlib.h in

Request History
Andreas Schwab's avatar

Andreas_Schwab created request

- Don't build and use included library sources for freetype jpeg libpng
tiff zlib
- remove-zlib-h-dependency.patch: Remove dependency on zlib/zlib.h in

Johannes Meixner's avatar

jsmeix declined request

Decined because it is superseded by request 345197. I accept the content of your request but because you did not branch it from Printing I could not see in your home:Andreas_Schwab:Factory project if it still builds everywhere where it builds in Printing. Therefore I decline your request 345048. I made a new request 345197 using the content of your request 345048 which builds everywhere where it builds in Printing. I accepted request 345197 for Printing. I did not yet forward it to openSUSE:Factory because usually I let all newer stuff stay in Printing until it gets automatically submitted to openSUSE:Factory. I prefer when first those users who have the Printing repository enabled get the new stuff and when I do not get issue reports then it looks o.k. to be automatically submitted to openSUSE:Factory. When something is really broken in the Printing project packages I get issue reports usually very soon.

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