
Request 35416 accepted

- Revert to the 1.2.38 version of icewm-lite, until the gtk2
dependency is solved.

- added gtk2-devel to buildrequires

- fix applying of custom window options.

- update to 1.3.6
* XRANDR support
* uses gdk-pixbuf instead of imlib

Request History
Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo created request

- Revert to the 1.2.38 version of icewm-lite, until the gtk2
dependency is solved.

- added gtk2-devel to buildrequires

- fix applying of custom window options.

- update to 1.3.6
* XRANDR support
* uses gdk-pixbuf instead of imlib

autobuild's avatar

autobuild accepted request

checked in

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