
Request 397459 superseded

- Rework the build of flavors, by splitting to separate .spec files
because the build time of target "ptshared" is quite long
already (>6000s).
- Make sure the flavor builds are only built with the extensions
they should have. This should resolve a build failure in the
fflas-ffpack package because libatlas was built with AVX when it
should not have.

Request History
Jan Engelhardt's avatar

jengelh created request

- Rework the build of flavors, by splitting to separate .spec files
because the build time of target "ptshared" is quite long
already (>6000s).
- Make sure the flavor builds are only built with the extensions
they should have. This should resolve a build failure in the
fflas-ffpack package because libatlas was built with AVX when it
should not have.

Jan Engelhardt's avatar

jengelh superseded request

used the wrong source location in the superseded rq

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