
Request 401235 accepted

- Update to version 2.0.12 (FATE#320915, bsc#980545)
Changelog: http://git.kernel.org/cgit/utils/kernel/kexec/kexec-tools.git/log/?id=refs/tags/v2.0.10..v2.0.12
Drop following patches (upstream):
- Fix pkg-config to check >= 4.7 rather than > 4.6 for xenlight
- Specifically name Files in specfile rather than using glob.

Request History
Tony Jones's avatar

jones_tony created request

- Update to version 2.0.12 (FATE#320915, bsc#980545)
Changelog: http://git.kernel.org/cgit/utils/kernel/kexec/kexec-tools.git/log/?id=refs/tags/v2.0.10..v2.0.12
Drop following patches (upstream):
- Fix pkg-config to check >= 4.7 rather than > 4.6 for xenlight
- Specifically name Files in specfile rather than using glob.

Tony Jones's avatar

jones_tony accepted request

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