
Request 41007 accepted

- prereq does not fix bnc#610628, the real problem is the cycle
of sysvinit->sysvinit-tools->mkinitrd <--, which is broken up by
simply ignoring one requirement. If this requirement is the one
between sysvinit->sysvinit-tools, we get in deep trouble. Way
deeper trouble than missing mkinitrd_setup in sysvinit-tools's

Request History
Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo created request

- prereq does not fix bnc#610628, the real problem is the cycle
of sysvinit->sysvinit-tools->mkinitrd <--, which is broken up by
simply ignoring one requirement. If this requirement is the one
between sysvinit->sysvinit-tools, we get in deep trouble. Way
deeper trouble than missing mkinitrd_setup in sysvinit-tools's

autobuild's avatar

autobuild accepted request

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