Request 419316 accepted
- Run %fdupes only inside the %{_datadir}/stellarium directory
instead of entire buildroot to avoid hicolor icons being
replaced by links. Replacing actual icon images by links leads
to appdata being vetoed: "Failed to load icon: image format was
not recognized:
/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/stellarium.png, Has no
- Created by badshah400
- In state accepted
- Package maintainers: lrupp and psimons
Request History
badshah400 created request
- Run %fdupes only inside the %{_datadir}/stellarium directory
instead of entire buildroot to avoid hicolor icons being
replaced by links. Replacing actual icon images by links leads
to appdata being vetoed: "Failed to load icon: image format was
not recognized:
/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/stellarium.png, Has no
MargueriteSu accepted request