
Request 427245 accepted

- Update to 1.0.0
* Implemented support for single-file packages, including shebang
script support - issue #103, pull #851, pull #866, pull #870, pull
* Builds on DMD 2.065.0 up to 2.071.1
* Removed all deprecated functionality from the API, CLI and data
* Switched from std.stream to std.stdio - pull #847
* Now passes -vcolumns also to LDC - issue #859, pull #860
* Avoids superfluous registry queries when building - issue #831,
pull #861
* Fixed escaping of command line arguments with spaces for LDC -
issue #834, pull #860

Request History
Kristoffer Gronlund's avatar

KGronlund created request

- Update to 1.0.0
* Implemented support for single-file packages, including shebang
script support - issue #103, pull #851, pull #866, pull #870, pull
* Builds on DMD 2.065.0 up to 2.071.1
* Removed all deprecated functionality from the API, CLI and data
* Switched from std.stream to std.stdio - pull #847
* Now passes -vcolumns also to LDC - issue #859, pull #860
* Avoids superfluous registry queries when building - issue #831,
pull #861
* Fixed escaping of command line arguments with spaces for LDC -
issue #834, pull #860

Matthias Mailänder's avatar

Mailaender accepted request


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