
Request 42907 accepted

- Use %_smp_mflags
- Fix typo in spec file (% missing from version).
- Last part of fix for [bnc#533249]: Don't run account part of
PAM stack for su as root. Requires pam > 1.1.1.
- Update to 8.5:
Bug fixes
* cp and mv once again support preserving extended attributes.
* cp now preserves "capabilities" when also preserving file ownership.7
* ls --color once again honors the 'NORMAL' dircolors directive.
[bug introduced in coreutils-6.11]
* sort -M now handles abbreviated months that are aligned using
blanks in the locale database. Also locales with 8 bit characters
are handled correctly, including multi byte locales with the caveat
that multi byte characters are matched case sensitively.
* sort again handles obsolescent key formats (+POS -POS) correctly.
Previously if -POS was specified, 1 field too many was used in the
sort. [bug introduced in coreutils-7.2]
New features
* join now accepts the --header option, to treat the first line of
each file as a header line to be joined and printed
* timeout now accepts the --kill-after option which sends a kill
signal to the monitored command if it's still running the specified
duration after the initial signal was sent.
* who: the "+/-" --mesg (-T) indicator of whether a user/tty is
accepting messages could be incorrectly listed as "+", when in
fact, the user was not accepting messages (mesg no). Before, who

Request History
Ruediger Oertel's avatar

oertel created request

- Use %_smp_mflags
- Fix typo in spec file (% missing from version).
- Last part of fix for [bnc#533249]: Don't run account part of
PAM stack for su as root. Requires pam > 1.1.1.
- Update to 8.5:
Bug fixes
* cp and mv once again support preserving extended attributes.
* cp now preserves "capabilities" when also preserving file ownership.7
* ls --color once again honors the 'NORMAL' dircolors directive.
[bug introduced in coreutils-6.11]
* sort -M now handles abbreviated months that are aligned using
blanks in the locale database. Also locales with 8 bit characters
are handled correctly, including multi byte locales with the caveat
that multi byte characters are matched case sensitively.
* sort again handles obsolescent key formats (+POS -POS) correctly.
Previously if -POS was specified, 1 field too many was used in the
sort. [bug introduced in coreutils-7.2]
New features
* join now accepts the --header option, to treat the first line of
each file as a header line to be joined and printed
* timeout now accepts the --kill-after option which sends a kill
signal to the monitored command if it's still running the specified
duration after the initial signal was sent.
* who: the "+/-" --mesg (-T) indicator of whether a user/tty is
accepting messages could be incorrectly listed as "+", when in
fact, the user was not accepting messages (mesg no). Before, who

autobuild's avatar

autobuild accepted request

checked in

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