Request 443050 accepted
- libgit2 0.24.3, fixing the following vulnerabilities:
* CVE-2016-8568, CVE-2016-8569: invalid memory accesses parsing
object files (bsc#1003810)
* various bug fixes from the 0.24.2 release
- Created by AndreasStieger
- In state accepted
- Package maintainer: dimstar
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Request History
AndreasStieger created request
- libgit2 0.24.3, fixing the following vulnerabilities:
* CVE-2016-8568, CVE-2016-8569: invalid memory accesses parsing
object files (bsc#1003810)
* various bug fixes from the 0.24.2 release
dimstar accepted request
Not exactly my style of a .changes file - but I can live with it