
Request 455498 superseded

Scripted push of project GNOME:Factory


Jan Engelhardt's avatar

@stfnknorr OSM does not offer satellite imagery. Not that I know of, at least.

Bjørn Lie's avatar


Something gives sat or aerial imagery at least.

Stefan Knorr's avatar

Hm, I guess you are both right. Proposal:

"Maps is a maps application for GNOME 3. It allows viewing street maps from OpenStreetMaps and satellite imagery. You can also get directions for your journeys, whether on foot, by bike, or by car."

(Of course, that is not strictly true either because even the street maps do not come directly from OSM but instead are Mapbox-provided renderings of OSM maps. But that really is splitting hairs.)

Bjørn Lie's avatar

Fire away, I can live with either.

Request History
Bjørn Lie's avatar

Zaitor created request

Scripted push of project GNOME:Factory

Factory Auto's avatar

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Builds for repo GNOME:Factory/openSUSE_Factory

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