
Request 457178 accepted

Drop patch for real :-) nah nah dimstar forgot last time

Request History
Bjørn Lie's avatar

Zaitor created request

Drop patch for real :-) nah nah dimstar forgot last time

GNOME Review Bot's avatar

gnome-review-bot declined review

Output of check script:
A Patch (glib2-fix-notify-id-FDO-notification-backend.patch) is being deleted without this removal being referenced in the changelog.

GNOME Review Bot's avatar

gnome-review-bot declined request

Output of check script:
A Patch (glib2-fix-notify-id-FDO-notification-backend.patch) is being deleted without this removal being referenced in the changelog.

Bjørn Lie's avatar

Zaitor reopened request

It is reffed in last .changes - silly bot :-)

Bjørn Lie's avatar

Zaitor accepted request

Selfack before the bot gets mouthy again

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