
Request 479769 accepted

- Upgrade to last stable 5.1.3
For details see changelog.txt and releasenotes.txt containing all
informations for a correct upgrade path.
- Packaging Redone patches for var-fillup
+ shorewall-fillup-install.patch
+ shorewall-init-fillup-install.patch
+ shorewall-lite-fillup-install.patch

- Upgrade to stable 5.1.1
For details see changelog.txt and releasenotes.txt containing all
informations for a correct upgrade path.
- Packaging:
+ use proper %{} syntax
+ Adjust year copyright
+ Remove attr on sbindir symlink
+ Move Samples and Contrib to doc package

Request History
Bruno Friedmann's avatar

bruno_friedmann created request

- Upgrade to last stable 5.1.3
For details see changelog.txt and releasenotes.txt containing all
informations for a correct upgrade path.
- Packaging Redone patches for var-fillup
+ shorewall-fillup-install.patch
+ shorewall-init-fillup-install.patch
+ shorewall-lite-fillup-install.patch

- Upgrade to stable 5.1.1
For details see changelog.txt and releasenotes.txt containing all
informations for a correct upgrade path.
- Packaging:
+ use proper %{} syntax
+ Adjust year copyright
+ Remove attr on sbindir symlink
+ Move Samples and Contrib to doc package

Bruno Friedmann's avatar

bruno_friedmann accepted request

Thanks for the upgrade

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