
Request 490949 accepted

- update to 5.6.36
* changes
* fixed CVEs:
CVE-2017-3308, CVE-2017-3309, CVE-2017-3450, CVE-2017-3599,
CVE-2017-3329, CVE-2017-3600, CVE-2017-3453, CVE-2017-3452,
CVE-2017-3302, CVE-2017-3456, CVE-2017-3463, CVE-2017-3462,
CVE-2017-3461, CVE-2017-3464
CVE-2017-3305 [bsc#1029396] - Riddle vulnerability
CVE-2016-5483 [bsc#1029014] - mysqldump failed to properly
quote certain identifiers in SQL statements written to the
dump output
* remove mysql-community-server-5.6.26-enforce_ssl.patch that
is no longer needed
* upstream fixed BACKRONYM issue (bsc#924663, CVE-2015-3152)
* '--ssl-mode=REQUIRED' can be specified to require a secure
connection (it fails if a secure connection cannot be
- change permissions of the configuration dir/files to 755/644.
Please note that storing the password in the /etc/my.cnf file is
not safe. Use for example an option file that is accessible only
by yourself [bsc#889126]
- increase required physical memory from 5 GB to 7 GB in order to
try to fix i586 build that fails because of "Out of memory" error
- set the default umask to 077 in mysql-systemd-helper [bsc#1020976]

Request History
Kristyna Streitova's avatar

kstreitova created request

- update to 5.6.36
* changes
* fixed CVEs:
CVE-2017-3308, CVE-2017-3309, CVE-2017-3450, CVE-2017-3599,
CVE-2017-3329, CVE-2017-3600, CVE-2017-3453, CVE-2017-3452,
CVE-2017-3302, CVE-2017-3456, CVE-2017-3463, CVE-2017-3462,
CVE-2017-3461, CVE-2017-3464
CVE-2017-3305 [bsc#1029396] - Riddle vulnerability
CVE-2016-5483 [bsc#1029014] - mysqldump failed to properly
quote certain identifiers in SQL statements written to the
dump output
* remove mysql-community-server-5.6.26-enforce_ssl.patch that
is no longer needed
* upstream fixed BACKRONYM issue (bsc#924663, CVE-2015-3152)
* '--ssl-mode=REQUIRED' can be specified to require a secure
connection (it fails if a secure connection cannot be
- change permissions of the configuration dir/files to 755/644.
Please note that storing the password in the /etc/my.cnf file is
not safe. Use for example an option file that is accessible only
by yourself [bsc#889126]
- increase required physical memory from 5 GB to 7 GB in order to
try to fix i586 build that fails because of "Out of memory" error
- set the default umask to 077 in mysql-systemd-helper [bsc#1020976]

Martin Pluskal's avatar

pluskalm accepted request

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