
Request 495767 accepted

For consideration - I know it is not optimal, if you find a better solution,
please speak up.

In essence, I'm trying to get rid of the (various) build cycles that
accumulated in openSUSE:Factory (many hidden with the singlespec migration,
something the bot seems not to have gotten correct)

The issue here: if setuptools_scm requires git in the buildroot, then we get
the cycle

setuptools_scm -> git -> curl -> nghttp2 -> setuptools_scm

git reqquires curl for the network access
curl requires nghttp2 for http/2 access
nghttp2 uses setuptools as build util.

Gence, breaking at this very point seems to be the most beneficial

- Do not buildrequire git: having git in the build root causes a
build cycle over curl -> nghttp2 -> python-setuptoos_scm -> git.
- Do not run the tests relying on git's presence.

Request History
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar created request

For consideration - I know it is not optimal, if you find a better solution,
please speak up.

In essence, I'm trying to get rid of the (various) build cycles that
accumulated in openSUSE:Factory (many hidden with the singlespec migration,
something the bot seems not to have gotten correct)

The issue here: if setuptools_scm requires git in the buildroot, then we get
the cycle

setuptools_scm -> git -> curl -> nghttp2 -> setuptools_scm

git reqquires curl for the network access
curl requires nghttp2 for http/2 access
nghttp2 uses setuptools as build util.

Gence, breaking at this very point seems to be the most beneficial

- Do not buildrequire git: having git in the build root causes a
build cycle over curl -> nghttp2 -> python-setuptoos_scm -> git.
- Do not run the tests relying on git's presence.

Jan Matejek's avatar

matejcik accepted request

Probably a good idea, mercurial should go too. We'll have to put the tests in a separate spec, methinks.

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