
Request 496831 accepted

- fix permissions for /var/run/mysql that were wrongly set to
700 instead of 755 due to added umask. This prevented non-root
from connecting to the database [bsc#1038740]
- switch from '/var/run' to '/run' as /var/run is just a symlink
to /run

Request History
Kristyna Streitova's avatar

kstreitova created request

- fix permissions for /var/run/mysql that were wrongly set to
700 instead of 755 due to added umask. This prevented non-root
from connecting to the database [bsc#1038740]
- switch from '/var/run' to '/run' as /var/run is just a symlink
to /run

Kristyna Streitova's avatar

kstreitova accepted request


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