
Request 49781 accepted

- install yast2-online-update-configuration package if needed
- 2.20.1

- make "Medium #" more translation friendly (bnc#612977),
PackageSlideShow::SetMediaType() function marked as obsoled
(not used anyway)
- clear the installation log for the next run, save some memory
- 2.20.0

Request History
Ladislav Slezák's avatar

lslezak created request

- install yast2-online-update-configuration package if needed
- 2.20.1

- make "Medium #" more translation friendly (bnc#612977),
PackageSlideShow::SetMediaType() function marked as obsoled
(not used anyway)
- clear the installation log for the next run, save some memory
- 2.20.0

autobuild's avatar

autobuild accepted request

checked in

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