
Request 504040 accepted

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Dominique Leuenberger's avatar
+  For now make systemd creates the group by adding
+  "Requires: group(post)".

Is just some error in the .changes file (up to you if you care enough to fix it) => it's group(lock) - correct in the .spec file

(and as a side note: all those user() and group() are created with systemd-users)

Franck Bui's avatar
author source maintainer

(and as a side note: all those user() and group() are created with systemd-users)

"systemd-users" ? what is this ?

I really need to have a look at how it works...

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar


systemd-sysusers (sysusers.d(5)) is used to create this accounts. This allows to verify how the system account should look like.

Franck Bui's avatar
author source maintainer

Good catch, I fixed it by I don't think it worths a new submission.

Franck Bui's avatar
author source maintainer

Hi Dominique, this should be fixed by the upgrade of python-systemd: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/503005.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

And openQA seems to have trouble with the rescue system, which is even scaried:


Franck Bui's avatar
author source maintainer

Hmm that's due to the fact that "lock" group is missing from /etc/group in the rescue system.

Apparently on SUSE distros, /run/lock needs to be own by this group.

I don't know what is supposed to create this group though.

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