
Request 512265 accepted

- update to 5.6.37
* changes
* fixed CVEs:
[bsc#1049394] CVE-2017-3633, [bsc#1049396] CVE-2017-3634,
[bsc#1049398] CVE-2017-3635, [bsc#1049399] CVE-2017-3636,
[bsc#1049404] CVE-2017-3641, [bsc#1049410] CVE-2017-3647,
[bsc#1049411] CVE-2017-3648, [bsc#1049412] CVE-2017-3649,
[bsc#1049415] CVE-2017-3651, [bsc#1049416] CVE-2017-3652,
[bsc#1049417] CVE-2017-3653, [bsc#1049421] CVE-2017-3732,
- refresh mysql-community-server-5.6.10-group.patch
- switch from 'Restart=on-failure' to 'Restart=on-abort' in
mysql.service in order to follow the upstream
- update file lists for new man-pages and tools (for mariadb)

Request History
Kristyna Streitova's avatar

kstreitova created request

- update to 5.6.37
* changes
* fixed CVEs:
[bsc#1049394] CVE-2017-3633, [bsc#1049396] CVE-2017-3634,
[bsc#1049398] CVE-2017-3635, [bsc#1049399] CVE-2017-3636,
[bsc#1049404] CVE-2017-3641, [bsc#1049410] CVE-2017-3647,
[bsc#1049411] CVE-2017-3648, [bsc#1049412] CVE-2017-3649,
[bsc#1049415] CVE-2017-3651, [bsc#1049416] CVE-2017-3652,
[bsc#1049417] CVE-2017-3653, [bsc#1049421] CVE-2017-3732,
- refresh mysql-community-server-5.6.10-group.patch
- switch from 'Restart=on-failure' to 'Restart=on-abort' in
mysql.service in order to follow the upstream
- update file lists for new man-pages and tools (for mariadb)

Kristyna Streitova's avatar

kstreitova accepted request


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