Request 514688 superseded
- Created by sebix
- In state superseded
- Superseded by 520650
- Open review for server:dns / dnscrypt-proxy
- Open review for legal-auto
- Open review for factory-staging
Request History
sebix created request
factory-auto declined review
Output of check script:
Source validator failed. Try "osc service localrun source_validator"
(E) error: mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) Macro mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) %tmpfiles_create mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) has mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) empty mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) body mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) any-any.tar.bz2 mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) any@.service mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) any.tmpfile mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(W) Attention, dnscrypt-proxy-1.9.5.tar.bz2 is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
(W) Attention, dnscrypt-proxy.tmpfile is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
(W) Attention, dnscrypt-proxy@.service is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
ERROR: Failed to download "https://download.dnscrypt.org/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy-1.9.5.tar.bz2"
Source URLs are not valid. Try "osc service localrun download_files"
factory-auto declined request
Output of check script:
Source validator failed. Try "osc service localrun source_validator"
(E) error: mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) Macro mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) %tmpfiles_create mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) has mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) empty mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) body mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) any-any.tar.bz2 mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) any@.service mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) any.tmpfile mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(W) Attention, dnscrypt-proxy-1.9.5.tar.bz2 is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
(W) Attention, dnscrypt-proxy.tmpfile is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
(W) Attention, dnscrypt-proxy@.service is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
ERROR: Failed to download "https://download.dnscrypt.org/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy-1.9.5.tar.bz2"
Source URLs are not valid. Try "osc service localrun download_files"