
Request 52129 accepted

- updated to 6.6.5-5:
* Revised PNG palette optimization
* Added some debug logging in coders/png.c.
* More precise blur values for Lanczos2Sharp and LanczosSharp.
* Added location of first Mitchell crossing (=8/7) to the filters data
* Added Lanczos2D* filters now named Lanczos2*
* Reorganization of AcquireFilter() to make it work better
* Clearer EWA filters (LanczosSharp etc) comments.
* Added LanczosSharp (3-lobe Lanczos with sharpening)
* Filter sharpening factors are also always applied regardless of usage.
* CubicBC filter formulas simplified by constant folding. In
particular, P1 coefficient (always zero) removed from coeff.
* Revert the Robidoux filter to a Keys cubic with C=(108 sqrt 2-29)/398
(as already specified in the documentation).
* Ignore PS bounding box offsets if -page is set.
* Add support for -evaluate exp.

Request History
Petr Gajdos's avatar

pgajdos created request

- updated to 6.6.5-5:
* Revised PNG palette optimization
* Added some debug logging in coders/png.c.
* More precise blur values for Lanczos2Sharp and LanczosSharp.
* Added location of first Mitchell crossing (=8/7) to the filters data
* Added Lanczos2D* filters now named Lanczos2*
* Reorganization of AcquireFilter() to make it work better
* Clearer EWA filters (LanczosSharp etc) comments.
* Added LanczosSharp (3-lobe Lanczos with sharpening)
* Filter sharpening factors are also always applied regardless of usage.
* CubicBC filter formulas simplified by constant folding. In
particular, P1 coefficient (always zero) removed from coeff.
* Revert the Robidoux filter to a Keys cubic with C=(108 sqrt 2-29)/398
(as already specified in the documentation).
* Ignore PS bounding box offsets if -page is set.
* Add support for -evaluate exp.

Ruediger Oertel's avatar

oertel accepted request

Accepted submit request 52129 from user pgajdos

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