
Request 527025 accepted

As of Pike this is required by monasca-setup's influxdb detection plugin:


(unfortunately it does not show up in requirements.txt...)


Bruno Friedmann's avatar

Hi Johannes, there's one things that I don't understand. Why would you like to submit dlp:python-toml to your CloudStack project in place of simply doing a linkpac ? You can also pick the revision if you want stability.

Bruno Friedmann's avatar

Also it seems (from the description of the project that you should sr to :Staging). Instead of linkpac there's also the osc copypac from project:devel:languages:python package:python-toml revision:2 way of doing it (picked from erlang)

Thomas Bechtold's avatar
source maintainer target maintainer

@bruno_friedmann, this is ok. That's the way we handle the Cloud:OpenStack subprojects.

Johannes Grassler's avatar

Cloud:OpenStack:Pike is the latest stable OpenStack project. For stable projects our policy is to copypac -K -e because that way the package will remain in place, even if the upstream package gets deleted. For the unstable Cloud:OpenStack:Master project our policy is to linkpac to the latest revision. Until a couple of weeks ago I'd just have performed a straight copypac, but we recently restricted the number of maintainers on the stable projects project to a smaller group and I'm not part of that group...

The :Staging project is only for core OpenStack services. Everything else (e.g. dependencies or third-party services such as RabbitMQ) goes into the non-staging repository.

Bruno Friedmann's avatar

Thanks both for the explanations.

Request History
Johannes Grassler's avatar

jgrassler created request

As of Pike this is required by monasca-setup's influxdb detection plugin:


(unfortunately it does not show up in requirements.txt...)

Thomas Bechtold's avatar

tbechtold accepted review

Thomas Bechtold's avatar

tbechtold approved review

Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller accepted request

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