
Request 528812 accepted

new packages required for compiling mingw32-kmymoney

Ralf Habacker's avatar

This package depends on mingw32-libiconv because mingw32-win_iconv is not source compatible. Building against mingw32_win_iconv fails, see https://build.opensuse.org/package/live_build_log/home:rhabacker:branches:home:rhabacker:branches:windows:mingw:win32:kmymoney/mingw32-gwenhywfar/openSUSE_Leap_42.1/x86_64

Jan Engelhardt's avatar

build log: "package not found"

Ralf Habacker's avatar

The above mentioned link was a test project showing the link error on linking with mingw32_win_iconv - has been cleaned up

Request History
Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker created request

new packages required for compiling mingw32-kmymoney

Fridrich Strba's avatar

fstrba accepted request

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