
Request 530207 accepted

* Added cross-platform Vulkan graphics support in SDL_vulkan.h
This is all the platform-specific code you need to bring up Vulkan on all SDL platforms. You can look at an example in test/testvulkan.c
* Added SDL_ComposeCustomBlendMode() to create custom blend modes for 2D rendering
* Added SDL_HasNEON() which returns whether the CPU has NEON instruction support
* Added support for many game controllers, including the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller
* Added support for inverted axes and separate axis directions in game controller mappings
* Added functions to return information about a joystick before it's opened:
* Added functions to return information about an open joystick:
* Added functions to return information about an open game controller:
* Added SDL_GameControllerNumMappings() and SDL_GameControllerMappingForIndex() to be able to enumerate the built-in game controller mappings
* Added SDL_LoadFile() and SDL_LoadFile_RW() to load a file into memory
* Added SDL_DuplicateSurface() to make a copy of a surface
* Added an experimental JACK audio driver
* Implemented non-power-of-two audio resampling, optionally using libsamplerate to perform the resampling
* Added the hint SDL_HINT_AUDIO_RESAMPLING_MODE to control the quality of resampling
* Added the hint SDL_HINT_RENDER_LOGICAL_SIZE_MODE to control the scaling policy for SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize():
"0" or "letterbox" - Uses letterbox/sidebars to fit the entire rendering on screen (the default)
"1" or "overscan" - Will zoom the rendering so it fills the entire screen, allowing edges to be drawn offscreen
* Added the hints SDL_HINT_MOUSE_NORMAL_SPEED_SCALE and SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_SPEED_SCALE to scale the mouse speed when being read from raw mouse input
* Added the hint SDL_HINT_TOUCH_MOUSE_EVENTS to control whether SDL will synthesize mouse events from touch events
* The new default audio driver on Windows is WASAPI and supports hot-plugging devices and changing the default audio device
* The old XAudio2 audio driver is deprecated and will be removed in the next release
* Added hints SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_INTRESOURCE_ICON and SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_INTRESOURCE_ICON_SMALL to specify a custom icon resource ID for SDL windows
* The hint SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_DISABLE_THREAD_NAMING is now on by default for compatibility with .NET languages and various Windows debuggers
* Updated the GUID format for game controller mappings, older mappings will be automatically converted on load
* Implemented the SDL_WINDOW_ALWAYS_ON_TOP flag on Windows
* Added an experimental KMS/DRM video driver for embedded development
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_AUDIO_CATEGORY to control the audio category, determining whether the phone mute switch affects the audio
* Implemented audio capture support for some platforms
* Added SDL_DequeueAudio() to retrieve audio when buffer queuing is turned on for audio capture
* Added events for dragging and dropping text
* Added events for dragging and dropping multiple items
* By default the click raising a window will not be delivered to the SDL application. You can set the hint SDL_HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH to "1" to allow that click through to the window.
* Saving a surface with an alpha channel as a BMP will use a newer BMP format that supports alpha information. You can set the hint SDL_HINT_BMP_SAVE_LEGACY_FORMAT to "1" to use the old format.
* Added SDL_GetHintBoolean() to get the boolean value of a hint
* Added SDL_RenderSetIntegerScale() to set whether to smoothly scale or use integral multiples of the viewport size when scaling the rendering output
* Added SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat() and SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom() to create an SDL surface with a specific pixel format
* Added SDL_GetDisplayUsableBounds() which returns the area usable for windows. For example, on Mac OS X, this subtracts the area occupied by the menu bar and dock.
* Added SDL_GetWindowBordersSize() which returns the size of the window's borders around the client area
* Added a window event SDL_WINDOWEVENT_HIT_TEST when a window had a hit test that wasn't SDL_HITTEST_NORMAL (e.g. in the title bar or window frame)
* Added SDL_SetWindowResizable() to change whether a window is resizable
* Added SDL_SetWindowOpacity() and SDL_GetWindowOpacity() to affect the window transparency
* Added SDL_SetWindowModalFor() to set a window as modal for another window
* Added support for AUDIO_U16LSB and AUDIO_U16MSB to SDL_MixAudioFormat()
* Fixed flipped images when reading back from target textures when using the OpenGL renderer
* Fixed texture color modulation with SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE when using the OpenGL renderer
* Fixed bug where the alpha value of colorkeys was ignored when blitting in some cases
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_DISABLE_THREAD_NAMING to prevent SDL from raising a debugger exception to name threads. This exception can cause problems with .NET applications when running under a debugger.
* The hint SDL_HINT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE is now supported on Windows
* Fixed XBox controller triggers automatically being pulled at startup
* The first icon from the executable is used as the default window icon at runtime
* Fixed SDL log messages being printed twice if SDL was built with C library support
* Reset dead keys when the SDL window loses focus, so dead keys pressed in SDL applications don't affect text input into other applications.
Mac OS X:
* Fixed selecting the dummy video driver
* The caps lock key now generates a pressed event when pressed and a released event when released, instead of a press/release event pair when pressed.
* Fixed mouse wheel events on Mac OS X 10.12
* The audio driver has been updated to use AVFoundation for better compatibility with newer versions of Mac OS X
* Added support for the Fcitx IME
* Added a window event SDL_WINDOWEVENT_TAKE_FOCUS when a window manager asks the SDL window whether it wants to take focus.
* Refresh rates are now rounded instead of truncated, e.g. 59.94 Hz is rounded up to 60 Hz instead of 59.
* Added initial support for touchscreens on Raspberry Pi
* SDL_GetBasePath() is now implemented on OpenBSD
* Added support for dynamically loaded objects on iOS 8 and newer
* Added support for Apple TV
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_APPLE_TV_REMOTE_ALLOW_ROTATION to control whether he Apple TV remote's joystick axes will automatically match the rotation of the remote.
* Fixed SDL not resizing window when Android screen resolution changes
* Corrected the joystick Z axis reporting for the accelerometer
Emscripten (running in a web browser):
* Many bug fixes and improvements
* Added support for web applications using Emscripten, see docs/README-emscripten.md for more information
* Added support for web applications using Native Client (NaCl), see docs/README-nacl.md for more information
* Added an API to queue audio instead of using the audio callback:
SDL_QueueAudio(), SDL_GetQueuedAudioSize(), SDL_ClearQueuedAudio()
* Added events for audio device hot plug support:
* Added SDL_PointInRect()
* Added SDL_HasAVX2() to detect CPUs with AVX2 support
* Added SDL_SetWindowHitTest() to let apps treat parts of their SDL window like traditional window decorations (drag areas, resize areas)
* Added SDL_GetGrabbedWindow() to get the window that currently has input grab, if any
* Added SDL_RenderIsClipEnabled() to tell whether clipping is currently enabled in a renderer
* Added SDL_CaptureMouse() to capture the mouse to get events while the mouse is not in your window
* Added SDL_WarpMouseGlobal() to warp the mouse cursor in global screen space
* Added SDL_GetGlobalMouseState() to get the current mouse state outside of an SDL window
* Added a direction field to mouse wheel events to tell whether they are flipped (natural) or not
* Added GL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR GL attribute (maps to [WGL|GLX]_ARB_context_flush_control extension)
* Added EGL_KHR_create_context support to allow OpenGL ES version selection on some platforms
* Added NV12 and NV21 YUV texture support for OpenGL and OpenGL ES 2.0 renderers
* Added a Vivante video driver that is used on various SoC platforms
* Added an event SDL_RENDER_DEVICE_RESET that is sent from the D3D renderers when the D3D device is lost, and from Android's event loop when the GLES context had to be recreated
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_NO_SIGNAL_HANDLERS to disable SDL's built in signal handling
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE to set the stack size of SDL's threads
* Added SDL_sqrtf(), SDL_tan(), and SDL_tanf() to the stdlib routines
* Improved support for WAV and BMP files with unusual chunks in them
* Renamed SDL_assert_data to SDL_AssertData and SDL_assert_state to SDL_AssertState
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_WINDOW_FRAME_USABLE_WHILE_CURSOR_HIDDEN to prevent window interaction while cursor is hidden
* Added SDL_GetDisplayDPI() to get the DPI information for a display
* Added SDL_JoystickCurrentPowerLevel() to get the battery level of a joystick
* Added SDL_JoystickFromInstanceID(), as a helper function, to get the SDL_Joystick* that an event is referring to.
* Added SDL_GameControllerFromInstanceID(), as a helper function, to get the SDL_GameController* that an event is referring to.
* Added support for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10/UWP (Universal Windows Platform)
* Timer resolution is now 1 ms by default, adjustable with the SDL_HINT_TIMER_RESOLUTION hint
* SDLmain no longer depends on the C runtime, so you can use the same .lib in both Debug and Release builds
* Added SDL_SetWindowsMessageHook() to set a function to be called for every windows message before TranslateMessage()
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_ENABLE_MESSAGELOOP to control whether SDL_PumpEvents() processes the Windows message loop
* You can distinguish between real mouse and touch events by looking for SDL_TOUCH_MOUSEID in the mouse event "which" field
* SDL_SysWMinfo now contains the window HDC
* Added support for Unicode command line options
* Prevent beeping when Alt-key combos are pressed
* SDL_SetTextInputRect() re-positions the OS-rendered IME
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_NO_CLOSE_ON_ALT_F4 to prevent generating SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE events when Alt-F4 is pressed
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_XINPUT_USE_OLD_JOYSTICK_MAPPING to use the old axis and button mapping for XInput devices (deprecated)
Mac OS X:
* Implemented drag-and-drop support
* Improved joystick hot-plug detection
* The SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED window event is triggered in the appropriate situations
* Fixed relative mouse mode when the application loses/regains focus
* Fixed bugs related to transitioning to and from Spaces-aware fullscreen-desktop mode
* Fixed the refresh rate of display modes
* SDL_SysWMInfo is now ARC-compatible
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_MAC_BACKGROUND_APP to prevent forcing the application to become a foreground process
* Enabled building with Mir and Wayland support by default.
* Added IBus IME support
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_IME_INTERNAL_EDITING to control whether IBus should handle text editing internally instead of sending SDL_TEXTEDITING events
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_NET_WM_PING to allow disabling _NET_WM_PING protocol handling in SDL_CreateWindow()
* Added support for multiple audio devices when using Pulseaudio
* Fixed duplicate mouse events when using relative mouse motion
* Added support for iOS 8
* The SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI window flag now enables high-dpi support, and SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize() or SDL_GetRendererOutputSize() gets the window resolution in pixels
* SDL_GetWindowSize() and display mode sizes are in the "DPI-independent points" / "screen coordinates" coordinate space rather than pixels (matches OS X behavior)
* Added native resolution support for the iPhone 6 Plus
* Added support for MFi game controllers
* Added support for the hint SDL_HINT_ACCELEROMETER_AS_JOYSTICK
* Added sRGB OpenGL ES context support on iOS 7+
* Added support for SDL_DisableScreenSaver(), SDL_EnableScreenSaver() and the hint SDL_HINT_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER
* SDL_SysWMinfo now contains the OpenGL ES framebuffer and color renderbuffer objects used by the window's active GLES view
* Fixed various rotation and orientation issues
* Fixed memory leaks
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_ANDROID_SEPARATE_MOUSE_AND_TOUCH to prevent mouse events from being registered as touch events
* Added support for SDL_DisableScreenSaver(), SDL_EnableScreenSaver() and the hint SDL_HINT_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER
* Added support for SDL_ShowMessageBox() and SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox()
Raspberry Pi:
* Added support for the Raspberry Pi 2
- libspe2 only exists for ppc and ppc64
- Drop old arts/esound soundserver support.
- Remove SDL2 obsoletes (we never had packages of that name).
Copy current Provides to baselibs.conf.
- Update to new upstream release 2.0.3
* This is a minor bugfix release to take care of creating an OpenGL
context on Mac OS X.
- Added missing build dependencies
* arts
* dbus
* udev
* tslib
- Removed unrecognized options: --disable-video-svga, --disable-video-ps3
- Use pkgconfig everywhere
- Fix the build on SLE using prjconf
- Update to 2.0.2
* Added SDL_GL_ResetAttributes() to reset OpenGL attributes to default values
* Added an API to load a database of game controller mappings from a file:
SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromFile(), SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromRW()
* Added game controller mappings for the PS4 and OUYA controllers
* Added SDL_GetDefaultAssertionHandler() and SDL_GetAssertionHandler()
* Added SDL_DetachThread()
* Added SDL_HasAVX() to determine if the CPU has AVX features
* Added SDL_vsscanf(), SDL_acos(), and SDL_asin() to the stdlib routines
* EGL can now create/manage OpenGL and OpenGL ES 1.x/2.x contexts, and share
* Added a field "clicks" to the mouse button event which records whether the event is a single click, double click, etc.
* The screensaver is now disabled by default, and there is a hint SDL_HINT_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER that can change that behavior.
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_MODE_WARP to specify whether mouse relative mode should be emulated using mouse warping.
* testgl2 does not need to link with libGL anymore
* Added testgles2 test program to demonstrate working with OpenGL ES 2.0
* Added controllermap test program to visually map a game controller
* Fixed fullscreen and focused behavior when receiving NotifyGrab events
* Added experimental Wayland and Mir support, disabled by default
- Added SDL2-devel provides
- Update to version 2.0.1:
* Added an API to get common filesystem paths in SDL_filesystem.h:
SDL_GetBasePath(), SDL_GetPrefPath()
* Added an API to do optimized YV12 and IYUV texture updates:
* Added an API to get the amount of RAM on the system:
* Added a macro to perform timestamp comparisons with SDL_GetTicks():
* Dramatically improved OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering performance
* Fixed float audio support with the PulseAudio driver
* Fixed missing line endpoints in the OpenGL renderer on some drivers
* X11 symbols are no longer defined to avoid collisions when linking statically
- add SDL2 provides
- Some metadata spruce-up: add current URLs, softer wildcarding
in the files list, more robust make install call
- Reduce build dependencies
- Optional signature verification in local builds
- created package (version 2.0.0) - based on SDL package

Request History
John Spartan's avatar

SpartanJ created request

* Added cross-platform Vulkan graphics support in SDL_vulkan.h
This is all the platform-specific code you need to bring up Vulkan on all SDL platforms. You can look at an example in test/testvulkan.c
* Added SDL_ComposeCustomBlendMode() to create custom blend modes for 2D rendering
* Added SDL_HasNEON() which returns whether the CPU has NEON instruction support
* Added support for many game controllers, including the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller
* Added support for inverted axes and separate axis directions in game controller mappings
* Added functions to return information about a joystick before it's opened:
* Added functions to return information about an open joystick:
* Added functions to return information about an open game controller:
* Added SDL_GameControllerNumMappings() and SDL_GameControllerMappingForIndex() to be able to enumerate the built-in game controller mappings
* Added SDL_LoadFile() and SDL_LoadFile_RW() to load a file into memory
* Added SDL_DuplicateSurface() to make a copy of a surface
* Added an experimental JACK audio driver
* Implemented non-power-of-two audio resampling, optionally using libsamplerate to perform the resampling
* Added the hint SDL_HINT_AUDIO_RESAMPLING_MODE to control the quality of resampling
* Added the hint SDL_HINT_RENDER_LOGICAL_SIZE_MODE to control the scaling policy for SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize():
"0" or "letterbox" - Uses letterbox/sidebars to fit the entire rendering on screen (the default)
"1" or "overscan" - Will zoom the rendering so it fills the entire screen, allowing edges to be drawn offscreen
* Added the hints SDL_HINT_MOUSE_NORMAL_SPEED_SCALE and SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_SPEED_SCALE to scale the mouse speed when being read from raw mouse input
* Added the hint SDL_HINT_TOUCH_MOUSE_EVENTS to control whether SDL will synthesize mouse events from touch events
* The new default audio driver on Windows is WASAPI and supports hot-plugging devices and changing the default audio device
* The old XAudio2 audio driver is deprecated and will be removed in the next release
* Added hints SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_INTRESOURCE_ICON and SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_INTRESOURCE_ICON_SMALL to specify a custom icon resource ID for SDL windows
* The hint SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_DISABLE_THREAD_NAMING is now on by default for compatibility with .NET languages and various Windows debuggers
* Updated the GUID format for game controller mappings, older mappings will be automatically converted on load
* Implemented the SDL_WINDOW_ALWAYS_ON_TOP flag on Windows
* Added an experimental KMS/DRM video driver for embedded development
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_AUDIO_CATEGORY to control the audio category, determining whether the phone mute switch affects the audio
* Implemented audio capture support for some platforms
* Added SDL_DequeueAudio() to retrieve audio when buffer queuing is turned on for audio capture
* Added events for dragging and dropping text
* Added events for dragging and dropping multiple items
* By default the click raising a window will not be delivered to the SDL application. You can set the hint SDL_HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH to "1" to allow that click through to the window.
* Saving a surface with an alpha channel as a BMP will use a newer BMP format that supports alpha information. You can set the hint SDL_HINT_BMP_SAVE_LEGACY_FORMAT to "1" to use the old format.
* Added SDL_GetHintBoolean() to get the boolean value of a hint
* Added SDL_RenderSetIntegerScale() to set whether to smoothly scale or use integral multiples of the viewport size when scaling the rendering output
* Added SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat() and SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom() to create an SDL surface with a specific pixel format
* Added SDL_GetDisplayUsableBounds() which returns the area usable for windows. For example, on Mac OS X, this subtracts the area occupied by the menu bar and dock.
* Added SDL_GetWindowBordersSize() which returns the size of the window's borders around the client area
* Added a window event SDL_WINDOWEVENT_HIT_TEST when a window had a hit test that wasn't SDL_HITTEST_NORMAL (e.g. in the title bar or window frame)
* Added SDL_SetWindowResizable() to change whether a window is resizable
* Added SDL_SetWindowOpacity() and SDL_GetWindowOpacity() to affect the window transparency
* Added SDL_SetWindowModalFor() to set a window as modal for another window
* Added support for AUDIO_U16LSB and AUDIO_U16MSB to SDL_MixAudioFormat()
* Fixed flipped images when reading back from target textures when using the OpenGL renderer
* Fixed texture color modulation with SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE when using the OpenGL renderer
* Fixed bug where the alpha value of colorkeys was ignored when blitting in some cases
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_DISABLE_THREAD_NAMING to prevent SDL from raising a debugger exception to name threads. This exception can cause problems with .NET applications when running under a debugger.
* The hint SDL_HINT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE is now supported on Windows
* Fixed XBox controller triggers automatically being pulled at startup
* The first icon from the executable is used as the default window icon at runtime
* Fixed SDL log messages being printed twice if SDL was built with C library support
* Reset dead keys when the SDL window loses focus, so dead keys pressed in SDL applications don't affect text input into other applications.
Mac OS X:
* Fixed selecting the dummy video driver
* The caps lock key now generates a pressed event when pressed and a released event when released, instead of a press/release event pair when pressed.
* Fixed mouse wheel events on Mac OS X 10.12
* The audio driver has been updated to use AVFoundation for better compatibility with newer versions of Mac OS X
* Added support for the Fcitx IME
* Added a window event SDL_WINDOWEVENT_TAKE_FOCUS when a window manager asks the SDL window whether it wants to take focus.
* Refresh rates are now rounded instead of truncated, e.g. 59.94 Hz is rounded up to 60 Hz instead of 59.
* Added initial support for touchscreens on Raspberry Pi
* SDL_GetBasePath() is now implemented on OpenBSD
* Added support for dynamically loaded objects on iOS 8 and newer
* Added support for Apple TV
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_APPLE_TV_REMOTE_ALLOW_ROTATION to control whether he Apple TV remote's joystick axes will automatically match the rotation of the remote.
* Fixed SDL not resizing window when Android screen resolution changes
* Corrected the joystick Z axis reporting for the accelerometer
Emscripten (running in a web browser):
* Many bug fixes and improvements
* Added support for web applications using Emscripten, see docs/README-emscripten.md for more information
* Added support for web applications using Native Client (NaCl), see docs/README-nacl.md for more information
* Added an API to queue audio instead of using the audio callback:
SDL_QueueAudio(), SDL_GetQueuedAudioSize(), SDL_ClearQueuedAudio()
* Added events for audio device hot plug support:
* Added SDL_PointInRect()
* Added SDL_HasAVX2() to detect CPUs with AVX2 support
* Added SDL_SetWindowHitTest() to let apps treat parts of their SDL window like traditional window decorations (drag areas, resize areas)
* Added SDL_GetGrabbedWindow() to get the window that currently has input grab, if any
* Added SDL_RenderIsClipEnabled() to tell whether clipping is currently enabled in a renderer
* Added SDL_CaptureMouse() to capture the mouse to get events while the mouse is not in your window
* Added SDL_WarpMouseGlobal() to warp the mouse cursor in global screen space
* Added SDL_GetGlobalMouseState() to get the current mouse state outside of an SDL window
* Added a direction field to mouse wheel events to tell whether they are flipped (natural) or not
* Added GL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR GL attribute (maps to [WGL|GLX]_ARB_context_flush_control extension)
* Added EGL_KHR_create_context support to allow OpenGL ES version selection on some platforms
* Added NV12 and NV21 YUV texture support for OpenGL and OpenGL ES 2.0 renderers
* Added a Vivante video driver that is used on various SoC platforms
* Added an event SDL_RENDER_DEVICE_RESET that is sent from the D3D renderers when the D3D device is lost, and from Android's event loop when the GLES context had to be recreated
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_NO_SIGNAL_HANDLERS to disable SDL's built in signal handling
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE to set the stack size of SDL's threads
* Added SDL_sqrtf(), SDL_tan(), and SDL_tanf() to the stdlib routines
* Improved support for WAV and BMP files with unusual chunks in them
* Renamed SDL_assert_data to SDL_AssertData and SDL_assert_state to SDL_AssertState
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_WINDOW_FRAME_USABLE_WHILE_CURSOR_HIDDEN to prevent window interaction while cursor is hidden
* Added SDL_GetDisplayDPI() to get the DPI information for a display
* Added SDL_JoystickCurrentPowerLevel() to get the battery level of a joystick
* Added SDL_JoystickFromInstanceID(), as a helper function, to get the SDL_Joystick* that an event is referring to.
* Added SDL_GameControllerFromInstanceID(), as a helper function, to get the SDL_GameController* that an event is referring to.
* Added support for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10/UWP (Universal Windows Platform)
* Timer resolution is now 1 ms by default, adjustable with the SDL_HINT_TIMER_RESOLUTION hint
* SDLmain no longer depends on the C runtime, so you can use the same .lib in both Debug and Release builds
* Added SDL_SetWindowsMessageHook() to set a function to be called for every windows message before TranslateMessage()
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_ENABLE_MESSAGELOOP to control whether SDL_PumpEvents() processes the Windows message loop
* You can distinguish between real mouse and touch events by looking for SDL_TOUCH_MOUSEID in the mouse event "which" field
* SDL_SysWMinfo now contains the window HDC
* Added support for Unicode command line options
* Prevent beeping when Alt-key combos are pressed
* SDL_SetTextInputRect() re-positions the OS-rendered IME
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_NO_CLOSE_ON_ALT_F4 to prevent generating SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE events when Alt-F4 is pressed
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_XINPUT_USE_OLD_JOYSTICK_MAPPING to use the old axis and button mapping for XInput devices (deprecated)
Mac OS X:
* Implemented drag-and-drop support
* Improved joystick hot-plug detection
* The SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED window event is triggered in the appropriate situations
* Fixed relative mouse mode when the application loses/regains focus
* Fixed bugs related to transitioning to and from Spaces-aware fullscreen-desktop mode
* Fixed the refresh rate of display modes
* SDL_SysWMInfo is now ARC-compatible
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_MAC_BACKGROUND_APP to prevent forcing the application to become a foreground process
* Enabled building with Mir and Wayland support by default.
* Added IBus IME support
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_IME_INTERNAL_EDITING to control whether IBus should handle text editing internally instead of sending SDL_TEXTEDITING events
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_NET_WM_PING to allow disabling _NET_WM_PING protocol handling in SDL_CreateWindow()
* Added support for multiple audio devices when using Pulseaudio
* Fixed duplicate mouse events when using relative mouse motion
* Added support for iOS 8
* The SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI window flag now enables high-dpi support, and SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize() or SDL_GetRendererOutputSize() gets the window resolution in pixels
* SDL_GetWindowSize() and display mode sizes are in the "DPI-independent points" / "screen coordinates" coordinate space rather than pixels (matches OS X behavior)
* Added native resolution support for the iPhone 6 Plus
* Added support for MFi game controllers
* Added support for the hint SDL_HINT_ACCELEROMETER_AS_JOYSTICK
* Added sRGB OpenGL ES context support on iOS 7+
* Added support for SDL_DisableScreenSaver(), SDL_EnableScreenSaver() and the hint SDL_HINT_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER
* SDL_SysWMinfo now contains the OpenGL ES framebuffer and color renderbuffer objects used by the window's active GLES view
* Fixed various rotation and orientation issues
* Fixed memory leaks
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_ANDROID_SEPARATE_MOUSE_AND_TOUCH to prevent mouse events from being registered as touch events
* Added support for SDL_DisableScreenSaver(), SDL_EnableScreenSaver() and the hint SDL_HINT_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER
* Added support for SDL_ShowMessageBox() and SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox()
Raspberry Pi:
* Added support for the Raspberry Pi 2
- libspe2 only exists for ppc and ppc64
- Drop old arts/esound soundserver support.
- Remove SDL2 obsoletes (we never had packages of that name).
Copy current Provides to baselibs.conf.
- Update to new upstream release 2.0.3
* This is a minor bugfix release to take care of creating an OpenGL
context on Mac OS X.
- Added missing build dependencies
* arts
* dbus
* udev
* tslib
- Removed unrecognized options: --disable-video-svga, --disable-video-ps3
- Use pkgconfig everywhere
- Fix the build on SLE using prjconf
- Update to 2.0.2
* Added SDL_GL_ResetAttributes() to reset OpenGL attributes to default values
* Added an API to load a database of game controller mappings from a file:
SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromFile(), SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromRW()
* Added game controller mappings for the PS4 and OUYA controllers
* Added SDL_GetDefaultAssertionHandler() and SDL_GetAssertionHandler()
* Added SDL_DetachThread()
* Added SDL_HasAVX() to determine if the CPU has AVX features
* Added SDL_vsscanf(), SDL_acos(), and SDL_asin() to the stdlib routines
* EGL can now create/manage OpenGL and OpenGL ES 1.x/2.x contexts, and share
* Added a field "clicks" to the mouse button event which records whether the event is a single click, double click, etc.
* The screensaver is now disabled by default, and there is a hint SDL_HINT_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER that can change that behavior.
* Added a hint SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_MODE_WARP to specify whether mouse relative mode should be emulated using mouse warping.
* testgl2 does not need to link with libGL anymore
* Added testgles2 test program to demonstrate working with OpenGL ES 2.0
* Added controllermap test program to visually map a game controller
* Fixed fullscreen and focused behavior when receiving NotifyGrab events
* Added experimental Wayland and Mir support, disabled by default
- Added SDL2-devel provides
- Update to version 2.0.1:
* Added an API to get common filesystem paths in SDL_filesystem.h:
SDL_GetBasePath(), SDL_GetPrefPath()
* Added an API to do optimized YV12 and IYUV texture updates:
* Added an API to get the amount of RAM on the system:
* Added a macro to perform timestamp comparisons with SDL_GetTicks():
* Dramatically improved OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering performance
* Fixed float audio support with the PulseAudio driver
* Fixed missing line endpoints in the OpenGL renderer on some drivers
* X11 symbols are no longer defined to avoid collisions when linking statically
- add SDL2 provides
- Some metadata spruce-up: add current URLs, softer wildcarding
in the files list, more robust make install call
- Reduce build dependencies
- Optional signature verification in local builds
- created package (version 2.0.0) - based on SDL package

Jan Engelhardt's avatar

jengelh accepted request

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