
Request 531579 superseded

- Update to version 3.26.1:
+ Don't detach launched apps to not break pkexec and friends
+ Allow search providers to not autostart (bgo#785380,
+ Fix crash when tray icons are hidden/shown in quick succession
+ Make window group switcher more consistent (bgo#786009).
+ Improve legibility of the top bar when translucent
+ Don't crash when running outside a logind session (bgo#788046).
+ Allow to run headless (bgo#730551).
+ Update calendar on timezone changes (bgo#678507).
+ Improve keyboard navigation of window previews (bgo#786546).
+ Run unit tests on `meson test` (bgo#786497).
+ Misc. bug fixes: bgo#787423, bgo#766368, bgo#787580,
bgo#787907, bgo#787901, bgo#788039, bgo#788003, bgo#786343,
bgo#787902, bgo#788265, bgo#788339, bgo#787905, bgo#788282,
+ Updated translations.
- Drop upstream fixed patches:
+ Drop gnome-shell-app-workaround-pkexec.patch.
+ gnome-shell-dateMenu-fixes.patch.
+ gnome-shell-fix-crash-hint-actor-NULL.patch.
+ gnome-shell-only-listen-window-created-events-once.patch.
+ gnome-shell-disable-osk-gesture-on-lock-screen.patch.
- Move all SLE only patches to patch# 1000 and above. (forwarded request 531476 from Zaitor)

Request History
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar created request

- Update to version 3.26.1:
+ Don't detach launched apps to not break pkexec and friends
+ Allow search providers to not autostart (bgo#785380,
+ Fix crash when tray icons are hidden/shown in quick succession
+ Make window group switcher more consistent (bgo#786009).
+ Improve legibility of the top bar when translucent
+ Don't crash when running outside a logind session (bgo#788046).
+ Allow to run headless (bgo#730551).
+ Update calendar on timezone changes (bgo#678507).
+ Improve keyboard navigation of window previews (bgo#786546).
+ Run unit tests on `meson test` (bgo#786497).
+ Misc. bug fixes: bgo#787423, bgo#766368, bgo#787580,
bgo#787907, bgo#787901, bgo#788039, bgo#788003, bgo#786343,
bgo#787902, bgo#788265, bgo#788339, bgo#787905, bgo#788282,
+ Updated translations.
- Drop upstream fixed patches:
+ Drop gnome-shell-app-workaround-pkexec.patch.
+ gnome-shell-dateMenu-fixes.patch.
+ gnome-shell-fix-crash-hint-actor-NULL.patch.
+ gnome-shell-only-listen-window-created-events-once.patch.
+ gnome-shell-disable-osk-gesture-on-lock-screen.patch.
- Move all SLE only patches to patch# 1000 and above. (forwarded request 531476 from Zaitor)

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added repo-checker as a reviewer

Please review build success

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse set openSUSE:Factory:Staging:M as a staging project

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:M"

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted review

Picked openSUSE:Factory:Staging:M

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar superseded request

superseded by 531802

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