
Request 536642 accepted

- Renamed to python-Send2Trash to follow openSUSE pyhon package
naming guidelines
- Implement single-spec version
- Update to Version 1.4.1
* Fix crash on Windows introduced in v1.4.0. Oops… (#14)
- Update to Version Version 1.4.0
* Use bytes instead of str for internal path handling in plat_other. (#13)
- Update to Version Version 1.3.1
* Throw WindowsError instead of OSError in plat_win. (#7)
* Fix TypeError on python 2 in plat_other. (#12)
- created package using py2pack

Request History
Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat created request

- Renamed to python-Send2Trash to follow openSUSE pyhon package
naming guidelines
- Implement single-spec version
- Update to Version 1.4.1
* Fix crash on Windows introduced in v1.4.0. Oops… (#14)
- Update to Version Version 1.4.0
* Use bytes instead of str for internal path handling in plat_other. (#13)
- Update to Version Version 1.3.1
* Throw WindowsError instead of OSError in plat_win. (#7)
* Fix TypeError on python 2 in plat_other. (#12)
- created package using py2pack

Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat accepted request

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