
Request 53680 accepted

- Update to 4.5.3
- Double precision energy file reading
- CHARMM and GB issues
- Support for Altivec (PowerPC) with CMake
- Running binaries within the CMake build tree is now possible
- Various other fixes (forwarded request 53636 from kwk)

Request History
andrea florio's avatar

anubisg1 created request

- Update to 4.5.3
- Double precision energy file reading
- CHARMM and GB issues
- Support for Altivec (PowerPC) with CMake
- Running binaries within the CMake build tree is now possible
- Various other fixes (forwarded request 53636 from kwk)

Marcus Rueckert's avatar

darix accepted request

Accepted submit request 53680 from user anubisg1

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