Request 539035 accepted
- Update to 2.4e
* Added workaround for gpg 2 pinentry-mode bug.
- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner
- Created by avindra
- In state accepted
- Package maintainers: bruno_friedmann, elimat, and pluskalm
I would not have changed the tar.bz2 name (there's no real value added), and add the tar.bz2.sign for checking validity, and also move to https whereas applicable.
Why the defattr root,root has been removed?
The value add is that it removes the "v" from the version tag, which helps create better diffs on OBS if I'm not mistaken.
As for the
removals, those were done automatically withspec-cleaner
Feel free to make a request for the .sign check and / or https!
Better diff on OBS? Why then you don't make a line in .changes with a valid pointer for that. It will help reviewer and maintainer to valided your changes.
defattr is not needed on currently supprted distributions, so current spec-cleaner is removing it
Ack found it in new version of spec-cleaner