
Request 544578 superseded

- update to 1.3.9:
Revert using github tarball and use original source again.
Too many fixes and features to list, refer to
/usr/share/doc/packages/keepalived/ChangeLog for a detailed list.


Marcus Rueckert's avatar

Can you explain the why? we already see that you are doing it. but not the why. e.g in this case you could mention that the issue with the 1.3.3 tarball is fixed now.

Request History
Itxaka serrano's avatar

itxaka created request

- update to 1.3.9:
Revert using github tarball and use original source again.
Too many fixes and features to list, refer to
/usr/share/doc/packages/keepalived/ChangeLog for a detailed list.

Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller declined request

please rebase

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