Request 545147 superseded
- Created by scarabeus_iv
- In state superseded
- Supersedes 542087
- Superseded by 545155
- Open review for legal-auto
- Open review for factory-staging
gpsd and ffado failed build and seems related
I am not sure if we want every minor package hold this up...
For gpsd @jreuter there are fixes in post-3.17 git:
Actually rings need to build. So we can look into these two.
Why would I want to accept a package that knowingly breaks other stuff? That makes no sense for a product... that's what for you have devel branches... you can break everything there you wish and submit when stuff is ready
You know as well as I do that breakages of entirely unrelated packages cannot be found via devel branches. Ultimately Factory staging cannot be duplicated there, at least due to the package build limit per project. I did not see these two two ring packages raised before by staging. But now that we know, and the rings-must-build requirement is clear, we can have a look, like @pluskalm and myself did for others.
We could use openSUSE:Factory:Staging:O for such experiments, but neither @mimi_vx or me can commit there to see what else breaks
you can use ANY branch - OBS is really cool :)
for pkg in $(osc whatdependson openSUSE:Factory scons standard x86_64 | awk '{print $1}'); do osc branch openSUSE:Factory $pkg home:pluskal:sconsbranch; done
It's only 25 packages in total.
Yep - I have to admit that I did not expect that much issues with scons
And as I see in https://build.opensuse.org/project/monitor/home:pluskalm:python3 most of scons packages will need fixing :(
I'll be taking care of gpick - maybe you can post to the factory ML about this change with a list of the packages that are failing and need work?
The ones in the ring are mandatory to be solved before the scons change can be accepted, but it is definitivley nice to work with the maintainers, giving them a chance to fix their things upfront.
whereas I buy this argument for things like gcc and glibc, I have a fair amount of trouble believing it for scons.
osc whatdependson openSUSE:Factory scons lists only 25 packages and such an intrusive thing as changing python interpreter it's really not too much to ask from maintainers/developers to branch those 25 packages together into a workspace and have scons changed.
It is not too much to ask, and certainly a straightforward thing to do once flagged by by staging. As I repeatedly pointed out, are looking at the failures. I am not sure if obvious CLI snippets are required.
ffado is fixed in sr#543910 foing to devel project
Fix seems incomplete: https://build.opensuse.org/package/live_build_log/openSUSE:Factory:Staging:G/ffado/standard/x86_64
Request History
scarabeus_iv created request
factory-auto declined review
Output of check script:
ERROR: Failed to download "http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/scons/scons-3.0.1.tar.gz"
Source URLs are not valid. Try "osc service localrun download_files"
factory-auto declined request
Output of check script:
ERROR: Failed to download "http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/scons/scons-3.0.1.tar.gz"
Source URLs are not valid. Try "osc service localrun download_files"
AndreasStieger superseded request
superseded by 545155