
Request 545207 accepted

- Fix building with python3 version of scons:
* xboxdrv-scons3.patch
- Small cleanup with spec-clenaer
- Update dependencies for Factory


Robert Munteanu's avatar

42.3 is broken with this patch, but was working before. I think we should have a fix for 42.3 before accepting.

Martin Pluskal's avatar

Well you are package maintainer, as such it will be your repsonsibility to fix build fauilures in Factory once new scons is accepted - so feel free to work on this as well.

Martin Pluskal's avatar

For the record, same version of xboxdrv is already in Leap, so build failure for Leap will not likely affect any users.

Request History
Martin Pluskal's avatar

pluskalm created request

- Fix building with python3 version of scons:
* xboxdrv-scons3.patch
- Small cleanup with spec-clenaer
- Update dependencies for Factory

Robert Munteanu's avatar

robert_munteanu declined request

42.3 is broken with this patch, but was working before. I think we should have a fix for 42.3 before accepting.

Martin Pluskal's avatar

pluskalm reopened request

Feel free to suggest working solution, given that this package is in Factory, it will stop building soon, if no solution is found it will be droped - if you decline working fix again you are kinda on your own

Robert Munteanu's avatar

robert_munteanu accepted request

Given the alternative of dropping from Factory, breaking Leap is the smaller bad.

Thanks for the submission

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