Request 546074 accepted
- update to version 4.0.7:
+ fixes CVE-2017-15090: Insufficient validation of DNSSEC
+ fixes CVE-2017-15092: Cross-Site Scripting in the web interface
+ fixes CVE-2017-15093: Configuration file injection in the API
+ fixes CVE-2017-15094: Memory leak in DNSSEC parsing
+ Fix validation at the exact RRSIG inception or expiration time
+ Extract nested exception from Luawrapper
+ Throw an error when lua-conf-file can’t be loaded
+ Lowercase all outgoing qnames when lowercase-outgoing is set
Request History
adamm created request
- update to version 4.0.7:
+ fixes CVE-2017-15090: Insufficient validation of DNSSEC
+ fixes CVE-2017-15092: Cross-Site Scripting in the web interface
+ fixes CVE-2017-15093: Configuration file injection in the API
+ fixes CVE-2017-15094: Memory leak in DNSSEC parsing
+ Fix validation at the exact RRSIG inception or expiration time
+ Extract nested exception from Luawrapper
+ Throw an error when lua-conf-file can’t be loaded
+ Lowercase all outgoing qnames when lowercase-outgoing is set
darix accepted request