
Request 556461 accepted

additionally adjusted documentation to be placed into %{_docdir} as suggested
in the comment in sr#555997

- update to 2.9.3
* various bugfixes
* new FLAGS variable feature
* default header encoding is now UTF-8
- dropped INSTALL file from file list
- split HTML documentation into separate sub-package
- adjusted dependencies (courier-unicode)
- packaged new makedat binary
- fixed doc installation dir to be in /usr/share/doc/packages/maildrop


Boris Manojlovic's avatar

LGTM in 1 day accepted if no other comments.

Boris Manojlovic's avatar

please remove %{_datadir}/doc/maildrop (original package has wrong logic too) *suse uses /usr/share/doc/packages/%{name} for documentation -> %doc

bigger issue i faced when i started to update was very long list of dependencies required, anyway decision is "it is almost good for me" except this "problem" with documentation. Regarding SR to factory no problem, except again dependencies :)

Request History
Matthias Gerstner's avatar

mgerstner created request

additionally adjusted documentation to be placed into %{_docdir} as suggested
in the comment in sr#555997

- update to 2.9.3
* various bugfixes
* new FLAGS variable feature
* default header encoding is now UTF-8
- dropped INSTALL file from file list
- split HTML documentation into separate sub-package
- adjusted dependencies (courier-unicode)
- packaged new makedat binary
- fixed doc installation dir to be in /usr/share/doc/packages/maildrop

Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller accepted request

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