
Request 561777 accepted

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Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

++# /usr/bin/python doesn't mean the systemd on SUSE

Are you dreaming of systemd a lot? :)

Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar

@simotek @dimstar feature-suse-python-interp-search-order.patch is causing failures in cantor: https://build.kde.org/job/Applications%20cantor%20kf5-qt5%20SUSEQt5.9/29/consoleFull

Preventing FindPythonLibs from finding python 2 when it really needs to is a bad idea.

06:03:01 -- Found PythonLibs: /usr/lib64/libpython3.6m.so (found suitable version "3.6.4", minimum required is "2.7")

reverting the patch locally fixes the issue.

Request History
Simon Lees's avatar

simotek created request

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