Request 568548 accepted
- Update Squid to 4.0.23
* fixes DoS caused by incorrect pointer handling when processing
ESI responses. This affects the default custom esi_parser
(libxml2 and expat esi_parsers are unaffected)
* fixes DoS caused by incorrect pointer handing whien processing
ESI responses or downloading intermediate CA certificates
* fixes "User names not sent to url_rewrite_program"
* fixes %
Request History
adamm created request
- Update Squid to 4.0.23
* fixes DoS caused by incorrect pointer handling when processing
ESI responses. This affects the default custom esi_parser
(libxml2 and expat esi_parsers are unaffected)
* fixes DoS caused by incorrect pointer handing whien processing
ESI responses or downloading intermediate CA certificates
* fixes "User names not sent to url_rewrite_program"
* fixes %
adamm accepted request
CVEs will need to be added to the .changes file later when available. To Factory and beyond!