
Request 570386 accepted

- Update to version 0.1.6, upstream changes:
* Fix an issue with FX2 based logic analyzers that could cause non-working
and/or prematurely aborted acquisitions (bug #655).
* FX2 based logic analyzers will now toggle pin PA1 during acquisition,
and keep it high while idle. On fx2grok-tiny and fx2grok-flat devices
there's a LED connected to PA1. Thus, those devices will visually indicate
whether a firmware has been uploaded (LED will light up and stay like that
while the device is idle). During any acquisition the LED will blink.
* Refactor the oscilloscope code to avoid duplication (bug #984).
* Fix a 'make distclean' error.
* Fix a compiler warning with recent sdcc versions (e.g. v3.6.9).

Request History
Stefan Brüns's avatar

StefanBruens created request

- Update to version 0.1.6, upstream changes:
* Fix an issue with FX2 based logic analyzers that could cause non-working
and/or prematurely aborted acquisitions (bug #655).
* FX2 based logic analyzers will now toggle pin PA1 during acquisition,
and keep it high while idle. On fx2grok-tiny and fx2grok-flat devices
there's a LED connected to PA1. Thus, those devices will visually indicate
whether a firmware has been uploaded (LED will light up and stay like that
while the device is idle). During any acquisition the LED will blink.
* Refactor the oscilloscope code to avoid duplication (bug #984).
* Fix a 'make distclean' error.
* Fix a compiler warning with recent sdcc versions (e.g. v3.6.9).

Stefan Brüns's avatar

StefanBruens accepted request

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