Request 571359 superseded
- Update to version 2.31.1:
* blkid: Add support for LUKS2 and new LABEL attributes.
* move rfkill to /usr/sbin (boo#1076134).
* fsck.cramfs: Fix bus error on broken file system.
* hwclock: add iso-8601 overflow check
* libmount:
* Allow MNT_FORCE and MNT_DETACH at umount
* add nsfs between pseudo filesystems
* lscpu: Treat read failure on Xen Hypervisor properties as
* sha1: endian fixes (affects util_linux_bigendian.patch)
* documentation updates
* other fixes and improvements
- Fix regressions in 2.31.1:
* sha1 on s390* (update util_linux_bigendian.patch).
* fsck.cramfs on ppc64le (util-linux-cramfs.patch).
- Created by sbrabec
- In state superseded
- Supersedes 561302 566230 570668
- Superseded by 571363
- Open review for legal-auto
- Open review for factory-staging
Something's wrong with factory-auto, same thing happened with https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/558203. Could someone override this bot?
Depends on: https://github.com/openSUSE/obs-service-source_validator/pull/63
Thanks for the pointer! It has just been merged, I hope it will be deployed soon :)
Request History
sbrabec created request
- Update to version 2.31.1:
* blkid: Add support for LUKS2 and new LABEL attributes.
* move rfkill to /usr/sbin (boo#1076134).
* fsck.cramfs: Fix bus error on broken file system.
* hwclock: add iso-8601 overflow check
* libmount:
* Allow MNT_FORCE and MNT_DETACH at umount
* add nsfs between pseudo filesystems
* lscpu: Treat read failure on Xen Hypervisor properties as
* sha1: endian fixes (affects util_linux_bigendian.patch)
* documentation updates
* other fixes and improvements
- Fix regressions in 2.31.1:
* sha1 on s390* (update util_linux_bigendian.patch).
* fsck.cramfs on ppc64le (util-linux-cramfs.patch).
factory-auto declined review
Output of check script:
Source validator failed. Try "osc service localrun source_validator"
(E) v$(echo mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) v$(echo mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) v$(echo mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) v$(echo mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) v$(echo mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) v$(echo mentioned in spec file does not exist.
gpg: Signature made Tue Dec 19 16:15:21 2017 CET using RSA key ID EC39C284
gpg: Good signature from "Karel Zak " [unknown]
- package has baselibs.conf: (unchanged)
(W) Attention, util-linux-2.31.1.tar.sign is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
(W) Attention, util-linux-2.31.1.tar.xz is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
- package has util-linux-rpmlintrc: (unchanged)
ERROR: Failed to download "https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/v$(echo"
Source URLs are not valid. Try "osc service localrun download_files"
factory-auto declined request
Output of check script:
Source validator failed. Try "osc service localrun source_validator"
(E) v$(echo mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) v$(echo mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) v$(echo mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) v$(echo mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) v$(echo mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(E) v$(echo mentioned in spec file does not exist.
gpg: Signature made Tue Dec 19 16:15:21 2017 CET using RSA key ID EC39C284
gpg: Good signature from "Karel Zak " [unknown]
- package has baselibs.conf: (unchanged)
(W) Attention, util-linux-2.31.1.tar.sign is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
(W) Attention, util-linux-2.31.1.tar.xz is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
- package has util-linux-rpmlintrc: (unchanged)
ERROR: Failed to download "https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/v$(echo"
Source URLs are not valid. Try "osc service localrun download_files"
superseded by 571363