
Request 578290 accepted

Upgrading python-html5lib in SOC8 (bsc#1014108, CVE-2016-9909 CVE-2016-9910)

Thomas Bechtold's avatar

Hm. now we have the singlespec'ed version. and we try to avoid that in Pike. maybe we should reconvert to non-singlespec when this got merged? Dirk?

Dirk Mueller's avatar
source maintainer target maintainer

this also adds new dependencies (python-webencodings) that arenot available in the destination project.

can we get a clean backport ?

Jiří Suchomel's avatar

Dirk, I'm not sure what do you mean.

The patch mentioned in bsc#1014108 cannot be easily backported to 0.9999999. I've tried to prepare 0.99999999, but it already has bunch of new or updated dependencies (starting with setuptools), see https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:jsuchome:branches:Cloud:OpenStack:Ocata

Dirk Mueller's avatar
source maintainer target maintainer

the version update adds a new dependency (python-webencodings) that isn't available, so accepting the request would cause fallout.

I understand that we need to add python-webencodings now everywhere.

Jiří Suchomel's avatar

So you've already added python-webencodings. Anything else? Or is this SR using wrong source product?

Request History
Jiří Suchomel's avatar

jsuchome created request

Upgrading python-html5lib in SOC8 (bsc#1014108, CVE-2016-9909 CVE-2016-9910)

Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller accepted request

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