
Request 579528 accepted

- removed no longer needed ncurses-devel BuildRequires (boo#1082315)

- redone u_add_llvm_codegen_dependencies.patch and renamed to

- removed u_mesa-8.0.1-fix-16bpp.patch and
u_mesa-8.0-llvmpipe-shmget.patch, which we no longer apply since
about 5 years (boo#1082305)

- recreated u_mesa-python3-only.patch and renamed to
u_r600-egd_tables.py-added-support-for-python-3.patch; also
removed first hunk (boo#1082303)

- removed n_Define-GLAPIVAR-separate-from-GLAPI.patch
* bits moved to libGLw's n_Use-newly-introduced-GLAPIVAR-for-variables.patch

- Mesa-gallium only exists if %{with_opencl}
- Add support for riscv64


Stefan Dirsch's avatar
author source maintainer

Should be checked in together with libGLw.

Request History
Stefan Dirsch's avatar

sndirsch created request

- removed no longer needed ncurses-devel BuildRequires (boo#1082315)

- redone u_add_llvm_codegen_dependencies.patch and renamed to

- removed u_mesa-8.0.1-fix-16bpp.patch and
u_mesa-8.0-llvmpipe-shmget.patch, which we no longer apply since
about 5 years (boo#1082305)

- recreated u_mesa-python3-only.patch and renamed to
u_r600-egd_tables.py-added-support-for-python-3.patch; also
removed first hunk (boo#1082303)

- removed n_Define-GLAPIVAR-separate-from-GLAPI.patch
* bits moved to libGLw's n_Use-newly-introduced-GLAPIVAR-for-variables.patch

- Mesa-gallium only exists if %{with_opencl}
- Add support for riscv64

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse set openSUSE:Factory:Staging:I as a staging project

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:I"

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Picked openSUSE:Factory:Staging:I

Saul Goodman's avatar

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Check script succeeded

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repo-checker accepted review

cycle and install check passed

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dimstar accepted review

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dimstar_suse accepted review

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dimstar_suse approved review

ready to accept

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted request

Accept to openSUSE:Factory

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