
Request 58088 accepted

- fix some typos in init script

- updated to compcache-0.6.2: see ChangeLog for details;
this fixes the incompatible statics ioctl for oS 11.3
- improved / fixed init and sysconfig files (bnc#661993)
- adapted init script for 11.4 ramz driver; rzscontrol is no
longer used for zram driver; package contains only scripts

Request History
Takashi Iwai's avatar

tiwai created request

- fix some typos in init script

- updated to compcache-0.6.2: see ChangeLog for details;
this fixes the incompatible statics ioctl for oS 11.3
- improved / fixed init and sysconfig files (bnc#661993)
- adapted init script for 11.4 ramz driver; rzscontrol is no
longer used for zram driver; package contains only scripts

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo approved review

legal-auto is not yet implemented

Marcus Rueckert's avatar

darix accepted request

Accepted submit request 58088 from user coolo

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted review

legal-auto is not yet implemented

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