
Request 585199 accepted

- Update keyring
- Update to version 1.2.0:
* Initial implementation of per-domain settings:
+ :set and :config-cycle now have a -u/--pattern argument
taking a URL match pattern for supported settings.
+ config.set in config.py now takes a third argument which is
the pattern.
+ New with config.pattern('...') as p: context manager for
config.py to use the shorthand syntax with a pattern.
+ New tsh keybinding to toggle scripts for the current host.
With a capital S, the toggle is saved. With a capital H,
subdomains are included. With u instead of h, the exact
current URL is used.
+ New tph keybinding to toggle plugins, with the same
additional binding described above.
* New QtWebEngine features:
+ Caret/visual mode
+ Authentication via ~/.netrc
+ Retrying downloads with Qt 5.10 or newer
+ Hinting and other features inside same-origin frames
* New flags for existing commands:
+ :session-load has a new --delete flag which deletes the
session after loading it.
+ New --no-last flag for :tab-focus to not focus the last tab
when focusing the currently focused one.
+ New --edit flag for :view-source to open the source in an
external editor.
+ New --select flag for :follow-hint which acts like the
given string was entered but doesn't necessary follow the
* New special pages:
+ qute://bindings (opened via :bind) which shows all
+ qute://tabs (opened via :buffer) which lists all tabs.
* New settings:
+ statusbar.widgets to configure which widgets should be
shown in which order in the statusbar.
+ tabs.mode_on_change which replaces
tabs.persist_mode_on_change. It can now be set to restore
which remembers input modes (input/passthrough) per tab.
+ input.insert_mode.auto_enter which makes it possible to
disable entering insert mode automatically when an editable
element was clicked. Together with
input.forward_unbound_keys, this should allow for
emacs-like "modeless" keybindings.
* New :prompt-yank command (bound to Alt-y by default) to yank
URLs referenced in prompts.
* The hostblock_blame script which was removed in v1.0 was
updated for the new config and re-added.
* New cycle-inputs.js script in scripts/ which can be used with
:jseval -f to cycle through inputs.
* Complete refactoring of key input handling, with various
+ emacs-like keychains such as can now be
+ Key chains can now be bound in any mode (this allows
binding unused keys in hint mode).
+ Yes/no prompts don't use keybindings from the prompt
section anymore, they have their own yesno section instead.
+ Trying to bind invalid keys now shows an error.
+ The bindings.default setting can now only be set in a
config.py, and existing values in autoconfig.yml are
* Improvements for GreaseMonkey support:
+ @include and @exclude now support regex matches.
With QtWebEngine and Qt 5.8 and newer, Qt handles the
matching, but similar functionality will be added in
Qt 5.11.
+ Support for @requires
+ Support for the GreaseMonkey 4.0 API
* The sqlite history now uses write-ahead logging which should
be a performance and stability improvement.
* When an editor is spawned with :open-editor and :config-edit,
the changes are now applied as soon as the file is saved in
the editor.
* The hist_importer.py script now only imports URL schemes
qutebrowser can handle.
* Deleting a prefix (:, / or ?) via backspace now leaves
command mode.
* Angular 1 elements and / now get hints
* :tab-only with pinned tabs now still closes unpinned tabs.
* The url.incdec_segments option now also can take port as
possible segment.
* QtWebEngine: :view-source now uses Chromium's view-source:
* Tabs now show their full title as tooltip.
* When there are multiple unknown keys in a autoconfig.yml,
they now all get reported in one error.
* More performance improvements when opening/closing many tabs.
* The :version page now has a button to pastebin the
* Replacements like {url} can now be escaped as {{url}}.
* QtWebEngine bugfixes:
+ Improved fullscreen handling with Qt 5.10.
+ Hinting and scrolling now works properly on special
view-source: pages.
+ Scroll positions are now restored correctly from sessions.
+ :follow-selected should now work in more cases with
Qt > 5.10.
+ Incremental search now flickers less and doesn't move to
the second result when pressing Enter.
+ Keys like Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert are now correctly
handled/filtered with Qt 5.10.
+ Fixed hangs/segfaults on exit with Qt 5.10.1.
+ Fixed favicons sometimes getting cleared with Qt 5.10.
+ Qt download objects are now cleaned up properly when a
download is removed.
+ JavaScript messages are now not double-HTML escaped anymore
on Qt < 5.11
* QtWebKit bugfixes:
+ Fixed GreaseMonkey-related crashes.
+ :view-source now displays a valid URL.
* URLs containing ampersands and other special chars are now
shown correctly when filtering them in the completion.
* :bookmark-add "" foo can now be used to save the current URL
with a custom title.
* :spawn -o now waits until the process has finished before
trying to show the output. Previously, it incorrectly showed
the previous output immediately.
* Suspended pages now should always load the correct page when
being un-suspended.
* Exception types are now shown properly with :config-source
and :config-edit.
* When using :bookmark-add --toggle, bookmarks are now saved
* Crash with an empty completion.timestamp_format.
* Crash when completion.min_chars is set in some cases.
* HTML/JS resource files are now read into RAM on start to
avoid crashes when changing qutebrowser versions while it's
* Setting bindings.key_mappings to an empty value is now
* Bindings to an empty commands are now ignored rather than
* QUTE_SELECTED_HTML is now not set for userscripts anymore
except when called via hints.
* The qutebrowser_viewsource userscript has been removed as
:view-source --edit can now be used.
* The tabs.persist_mode_on_change setting has been removed and
replaced by tabs.mode_on_change.

Request History
Mia Herkt's avatar

lachs0r created request

- Update keyring
- Update to version 1.2.0:
* Initial implementation of per-domain settings:
+ :set and :config-cycle now have a -u/--pattern argument
taking a URL match pattern for supported settings.
+ config.set in config.py now takes a third argument which is
the pattern.
+ New with config.pattern('...') as p: context manager for
config.py to use the shorthand syntax with a pattern.
+ New tsh keybinding to toggle scripts for the current host.
With a capital S, the toggle is saved. With a capital H,
subdomains are included. With u instead of h, the exact
current URL is used.
+ New tph keybinding to toggle plugins, with the same
additional binding described above.
* New QtWebEngine features:
+ Caret/visual mode
+ Authentication via ~/.netrc
+ Retrying downloads with Qt 5.10 or newer
+ Hinting and other features inside same-origin frames
* New flags for existing commands:
+ :session-load has a new --delete flag which deletes the
session after loading it.
+ New --no-last flag for :tab-focus to not focus the last tab
when focusing the currently focused one.
+ New --edit flag for :view-source to open the source in an
external editor.
+ New --select flag for :follow-hint which acts like the
given string was entered but doesn't necessary follow the
* New special pages:
+ qute://bindings (opened via :bind) which shows all
+ qute://tabs (opened via :buffer) which lists all tabs.
* New settings:
+ statusbar.widgets to configure which widgets should be
shown in which order in the statusbar.
+ tabs.mode_on_change which replaces
tabs.persist_mode_on_change. It can now be set to restore
which remembers input modes (input/passthrough) per tab.
+ input.insert_mode.auto_enter which makes it possible to
disable entering insert mode automatically when an editable
element was clicked. Together with
input.forward_unbound_keys, this should allow for
emacs-like "modeless" keybindings.
* New :prompt-yank command (bound to Alt-y by default) to yank
URLs referenced in prompts.
* The hostblock_blame script which was removed in v1.0 was
updated for the new config and re-added.
* New cycle-inputs.js script in scripts/ which can be used with
:jseval -f to cycle through inputs.
* Complete refactoring of key input handling, with various
+ emacs-like keychains such as can now be
+ Key chains can now be bound in any mode (this allows
binding unused keys in hint mode).
+ Yes/no prompts don't use keybindings from the prompt
section anymore, they have their own yesno section instead.
+ Trying to bind invalid keys now shows an error.
+ The bindings.default setting can now only be set in a
config.py, and existing values in autoconfig.yml are
* Improvements for GreaseMonkey support:
+ @include and @exclude now support regex matches.
With QtWebEngine and Qt 5.8 and newer, Qt handles the
matching, but similar functionality will be added in
Qt 5.11.
+ Support for @requires
+ Support for the GreaseMonkey 4.0 API
* The sqlite history now uses write-ahead logging which should
be a performance and stability improvement.
* When an editor is spawned with :open-editor and :config-edit,
the changes are now applied as soon as the file is saved in
the editor.
* The hist_importer.py script now only imports URL schemes
qutebrowser can handle.
* Deleting a prefix (:, / or ?) via backspace now leaves
command mode.
* Angular 1 elements and / now get hints
* :tab-only with pinned tabs now still closes unpinned tabs.
* The url.incdec_segments option now also can take port as
possible segment.
* QtWebEngine: :view-source now uses Chromium's view-source:
* Tabs now show their full title as tooltip.
* When there are multiple unknown keys in a autoconfig.yml,
they now all get reported in one error.
* More performance improvements when opening/closing many tabs.
* The :version page now has a button to pastebin the
* Replacements like {url} can now be escaped as {{url}}.
* QtWebEngine bugfixes:
+ Improved fullscreen handling with Qt 5.10.
+ Hinting and scrolling now works properly on special
view-source: pages.
+ Scroll positions are now restored correctly from sessions.
+ :follow-selected should now work in more cases with
Qt > 5.10.
+ Incremental search now flickers less and doesn't move to
the second result when pressing Enter.
+ Keys like Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert are now correctly
handled/filtered with Qt 5.10.
+ Fixed hangs/segfaults on exit with Qt 5.10.1.
+ Fixed favicons sometimes getting cleared with Qt 5.10.
+ Qt download objects are now cleaned up properly when a
download is removed.
+ JavaScript messages are now not double-HTML escaped anymore
on Qt < 5.11
* QtWebKit bugfixes:
+ Fixed GreaseMonkey-related crashes.
+ :view-source now displays a valid URL.
* URLs containing ampersands and other special chars are now
shown correctly when filtering them in the completion.
* :bookmark-add "" foo can now be used to save the current URL
with a custom title.
* :spawn -o now waits until the process has finished before
trying to show the output. Previously, it incorrectly showed
the previous output immediately.
* Suspended pages now should always load the correct page when
being un-suspended.
* Exception types are now shown properly with :config-source
and :config-edit.
* When using :bookmark-add --toggle, bookmarks are now saved
* Crash with an empty completion.timestamp_format.
* Crash when completion.min_chars is set in some cases.
* HTML/JS resource files are now read into RAM on start to
avoid crashes when changing qutebrowser versions while it's
* Setting bindings.key_mappings to an empty value is now
* Bindings to an empty commands are now ignored rather than
* QUTE_SELECTED_HTML is now not set for userscripts anymore
except when called via hints.
* The qutebrowser_viewsource userscript has been removed as
:view-source --edit can now be used.
* The tabs.persist_mode_on_change setting has been removed and
replaced by tabs.mode_on_change.

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Unknown license 'GPL-3.0-or-later'

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