
Request 591273 accepted

- Run spec-cleaner.
- Version bump to 2.0.0.
Upstream changelog:
Version 2.0.0
- rewrite unibi_var_t internals (now the only official access is
via the helper functions)
- numeric capabilities are stored as ints now (used to be shorts)
- add support for the ncurses 6.1 "wide integer" 32-bit file
- try ncursesw6-config, ncurses6-config, ncursesw5-config, and
ncurses5-config to get the list of terminfo directories
(TERMINFO_DIRS) when building
- improve README.md with build instructions and prerequisites
Version 1.2.1
- deprecate direct access to unibi_var_t members
- better support for building on Windows

Request History
Ronan Chagas's avatar

Ronis_BR created request

- Run spec-cleaner.
- Version bump to 2.0.0.
Upstream changelog:
Version 2.0.0
- rewrite unibi_var_t internals (now the only official access is
via the helper functions)
- numeric capabilities are stored as ints now (used to be shorts)
- add support for the ncurses 6.1 "wide integer" 32-bit file
- try ncursesw6-config, ncurses6-config, ncursesw5-config, and
ncurses5-config to get the list of terminfo directories
(TERMINFO_DIRS) when building
- improve README.md with build instructions and prerequisites
Version 1.2.1
- deprecate direct access to unibi_var_t members
- better support for building on Windows

Ronan Chagas's avatar

Ronis_BR accepted request

I forgot that I was the maintainer here.

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