
Request 591808 accepted

- Update version to
* Fix list all symlink files include broken symlink by QDirIterator
with QDir::System
* Fix can not restore trash files if target file is exist
* Fix can not move the invalid symlink to trash
* Fix check dock rect failed
* Fix can not close computer property dialog by CloseAllDialogIndicator
* Fix the copy file dialog position is wrong when close
* Prohibit file names from beginning or ending with spaces

Request History
Hillwood Yang's avatar

hillwood created request

- Update version to
* Fix list all symlink files include broken symlink by QDirIterator
with QDir::System
* Fix can not restore trash files if target file is exist
* Fix can not move the invalid symlink to trash
* Fix check dock rect failed
* Fix can not close computer property dialog by CloseAllDialogIndicator
* Fix the copy file dialog position is wrong when close
* Prohibit file names from beginning or ending with spaces

Hillwood Yang's avatar

hillwood accepted request

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