
Request 596760 accepted

- Convert to singlespec, fix non-SPDX license tag
- Add rpmlintrc for (required) hidden file
- Add README.md to docs and use %license macro
- Update to 2.2.0
* Bugfixes:
- Switch to explicit Python version check
- Work around `pkg_resources` missing
- Always close sessions
* Features:
- Add `fqdn` and `ipv4` convenience properties
- Add `cache_fetch_timeout` kwarg
* Misc:
- Document public vs. private domains
- Document support for Python 3.6
- Correct license in spec file (MIT -> BSD)
- Fix homepage URL in specfile
- Initial creation of package, version 2.0.1

Needed for python-dns-lexicon

Request History
Eric Schirra's avatar

ecsos created request

- Convert to singlespec, fix non-SPDX license tag
- Add rpmlintrc for (required) hidden file
- Add README.md to docs and use %license macro
- Update to 2.2.0
* Bugfixes:
- Switch to explicit Python version check
- Work around `pkg_resources` missing
- Always close sessions
* Features:
- Add `fqdn` and `ipv4` convenience properties
- Add `cache_fetch_timeout` kwarg
* Misc:
- Document public vs. private domains
- Document support for Python 3.6
- Correct license in spec file (MIT -> BSD)
- Fix homepage URL in specfile
- Initial creation of package, version 2.0.1

Needed for python-dns-lexicon

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review


Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added repo-checker as a reviewer

Please review build success

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

scarabeus_iv accepted review

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot added as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:121"

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot accepted review

Picked openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:121

Jan Engelhardt's avatar

jengelh accepted review

Repo Checker's avatar

repo-checker accepted review

cycle and install check passed

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot accepted review

ready to accept

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot approved review

ready to accept

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted request

Accept to openSUSE:Factory

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