
Request 602491 accepted

- makedumpfile-is_cache_page-helper.patch: Add is_cache_page()
helper to check if a page belongs to the cache (bsc#1088354).
- makedumpfile-check-PG_swapbacked.patch: Check PG_swapbacked for
swap cache pages (bsc#1088354).

Request History
Petr Tesařík's avatar

ptesarik created request

- makedumpfile-is_cache_page-helper.patch: Add is_cache_page()
helper to check if a page belongs to the cache (bsc#1088354).
- makedumpfile-check-PG_swapbacked.patch: Check PG_swapbacked for
swap cache pages (bsc#1088354).

Petr Tesařík's avatar

ptesarik accepted request

Tested successfully in a VM.

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