
Request 603118 accepted

- update to version 7.0 stable
- thanks to users 'tittiatcoke' and 'wolfi323' for creating the
initial unstable package out of the git repository
- enable package builds for both Qt4 and Qt5
- remove Fix-AlkValue-operator-QString-w-valueRef.patch (applied
- Fix RPM groups.
- Update to version 5.0.0:
* add support for newer versions of cmake (>=2.8.7)
* use implicit sharing in AlkValue
- Add Fix-AlkValue-operator-QString-w-valueRef.patch to fix
- Adjust Urls and file lists

Request History
Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker created request

- update to version 7.0 stable
- thanks to users 'tittiatcoke' and 'wolfi323' for creating the
initial unstable package out of the git repository
- enable package builds for both Qt4 and Qt5
- remove Fix-AlkValue-operator-QString-w-valueRef.patch (applied
- Fix RPM groups.
- Update to version 5.0.0:
* add support for newer versions of cmake (>=2.8.7)
* use implicit sharing in AlkValue
- Add Fix-AlkValue-operator-QString-w-valueRef.patch to fix
- Adjust Urls and file lists

Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker accepted request

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