
Request 605952 accepted

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Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

STILL causes build failure of libftdi1

Christoph G's avatar

Have you seen request 606469? It addresses this issue.

mrdocs's avatar

I'm also not excited about breaking this for current Leap 42.3. For the missing dependencies for SLE12, should this also be built against SLE 12 Package Hub ?

We have, to my knowledge, always been able to have the latest CMake for all currently supported platforms.

Christoph G's avatar

42.3 breaks because libuv is too old. But by passing --no-system-libuv CMake compiles and uses its own libuv. This works for other CMake dependencies, too, and would solve the SLE 12 problem. You have to pass the right flags according to the Suse version requiring it.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

This submission also seems to break kopete now (3.11 did not show that yet)

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

libftdi1 still failing - the attempted fix in the devel prj was not effective

CC @reinauer @trenn @jmoellers

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

Waiting for libftdi1 fix

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